J’can students at Howard University awarded US $102,000 in scholarships

· The Gleaner
Entrepreneurs and philanthropists Heather and Kevin Reid, JHUAN’s IMPACT awardees (left), share lens time with Jamaica’s Ambassador to the United States, Audrey Marks (centre), JHUAN’s executive member Dr Jacquelin Watson, and chairman of the Jamaica Howard University Affinity Network (JHUAN) Don Christian. The Reids received the IMPACT AWARD for their work with the Blue Lagoon Foundation.Contributed
Jamaica’s Ambassador to the United States, Audrey Marks (far right) shares a special moment with the 2024 JHUAN’s IMPACT awardee, Jamaican architect Isiaa Madden (2nd right), who was recognised as an exemplary Howard alumnus for ‘distinction in professional achievements, leadership qualities’, and service to her community. Sharing in the occasion are (from left) chairman of the Jamaica Howard University Affinity Network (JHUAN), Don Christian, and JHUAN’s executive member Dr Jacquelin Watson. Madden received her award at the organisation’s 6th HUes of Blue fundraising event held on Saturday, September 21 in Maryland.Derrick Scott
Jamaica’s Ambassador to the United States, Audrey Marks (centre), along with members of the Jamaica Howard University Affinity Network (JHUAN, executive, displays the cheque valued at US $102,000 that will go towards offsetting tuition requirements for 25 students of Jamaican heritage attending Howard University, at the organisation’s 6th HUes of Blue fundraising event held on Saturday, September 21.Derrick Scott
Jamaica’s Ambassador to the United States, Audrey Marks (sixth from left), and chairman of the Jamaica Howard University Affinity Network (JHUAN), Don Christian (sixth from, right), are surrounded by Jamaican students attending Howard University who have been awarded scholarships totalling US$102,000 by JHUAN, at the organisation’s 6th HUes of Blue fundraising event held on Saturday, September 21 at the ambassador’s residence in Maryland.Derrick Scott


Twenty-five students of Jamaican heritage attending Howard University last Saturday were the recipients of scholarships valued at US $102,000 from the Jamaica Howard University Affinity Network (JHUAN). Each awardee received US $4,000 to assist in offsetting their tuition requirements.

In addition, two students,Gabrielle Clarke and Bleyne Montaque, were recognised with the inaugural Bancroft S. Gordon Scholarship Award, which celebrates excellence in athletics, academics, leadership, and community engagement. The award honours the late Bancroft Gordon, a Howard alumnus and football player.

The scholarship awards were presented to the students by Jamaica’s Ambassador to the United States Audrey Marks and chairman of JHUAN, Don Christian, at the organisation’s 6th HUes of Blue fundraising event.

Ambassador Marks said JHUAN has been a beacon of hope and a pillar of pride for the recipients of this unique scholarship programme.

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She said, since it began operating in 2018, JHUAN has awarded 89 scholarships valued at US$356,000 and was pleased to see the evolution of its impact over the years.

Ambassador Marks pointed out that the mission of the JHUAN organisation went beyond financial support and included mentorship, life coaching and career development.

She however challenged the recipients not to forget the source from which came their assistance, charging them to consider giving back, once they have succeeded in life, by supporting the JHUAN organisation.

JHUAN’s chairman and Howard University Board Member, Donald Christian, said, “I am honoured to be a part of a community that supports Jamaican students who have navigated challenges to pursue their studies. As an alumnus, it is critical that we identify ways by which we can bolster our academic institutions while supporting our students”.

Fundraising efforts continue through the end of the year, and donations are still being accepted for the scholarship fund at https://www.jhuan.org/become-a-donor/.


In his message, Howard University President Dr Ben Vinson, lll said “the ties between Howard University and Jamaica remain remarkably strong. Once again, Jamaica is one of the top sources of international students in this year’s entering undergraduate class, and is the leader for students from the Caribbean. Our Jamaican students, alumni and families continue to contribute to the wonderful diversity that is a hallmark of the Mecca.”

HUes of Blue, for the second year, recognised exemplary Howard Alumni with JHUAN’s IMPACT AWARD for distinction in professional achievements, leadership qualities, and service to their communities.

The 2024 IMPACT Award was presented to Jamaican architect Isiaa Madden, a graduate of Howard University’s School of Architecture with an exemplary career in launching innovative designs.

In addition, entrepreneurs and philanthropists Heather and Kevin Reid also received the IMPACT AWARD for their work with the Blue Lagoon Foundation.

A total of $60,000 was donated to the scholarship fund at the fundraiser. Of this amount, Ambassador Marks, one of the founders of the organisation, donated US$15,000 from her Jamaica’s Promise Foundation.

Former president of Howard University and co-founder of the JUHAN organisation, Dr Wayne Frederick, donated $US 25,000, in recognition of Isiaa Madden receiving the HUes of Blue IMPACT award.