Aleksandar Ilic

Be prepared for your Groom

· The Gleaner

AS WE look around us at the things unfolding in the world, we are tempted to wish and pray it all away so that we can have happy, healthy, peaceful and abundant lives. The truth is though, that much of what we see was told to us in the Bible. God told us to expect these things, and when they happen, we are to know that the second coming of Christ is drawing near.

We are at the point where we see memes joking about what chapter of the Book of Revelation we are seeing unfold each day. These things will be experienced by everyone, but there are some signs that will be for the Believers in Christ. The Word of God tells us that as the signs unfold, “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.” Matthew 24:9 (NIV).

Just look around. We are seeing that increasingly any other religion can speak openly except Christians, even in countries that have historically been considered ‘Christian countries’. Some sources indicate that 1.6 million Christians were killed for their faith between 2000-2009. There is no indication that this has stopped.

Not too long ago in some jurisdictions, pastors were ordered to submit their sermons for review by the State before they preached them. We in Jamaica are living in a little haven, but the promise of the Word of God is that more and more difficult times are coming and as Believers we need to respond in a way that confirms our Christianity. It’s likely that will be the test to see if we truly believe. We will be judged by it.

We are experts at majoring in the minor, minoring in the major, and putting off what’s important. We tend to allow our situation to determine our dedication; procrastinate with the important, but quickly attend to the urgent.

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In the parable of the Ten Virgins, the 10 virgins were waiting for the bridegroom to come with word that the wedding feast was ready. Five were foolish and five were wise. Wise here is not about IQ, but about applying biblical knowledge in the right way.

What distinguishes the wise from the foolish is preparedness. The wise were ready for the marriage feast, the foolish were not. According to Jewish tradition, it was customary for the bridesmaids to wait together at a home for the bridegroom to come and take them to the wedding feast.

During that time, the bridegroom would negotiate with the bride’s family about a gift to give them in return for their daughter. Often, the negotiations would be delayed by the bride’s parents as a way of communicating that they thought their daughter was worth much more than the groom had gestured by his initial gift. That could cause a delay in the wedding feast.

In Jesus’ parable, the bridesmaids were waiting through just such a delay. In the delay, they were to be ready for him to arrive and escort them to the feast at any moment.

Jesus was talking about the end of this age (His second coming). He’s the Bridegroom coming for His Church (bride). The Groom can come at any time. “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.” Matthew 24:42 (NIV).

While we see what’s happening all around us daily, we need to view it through the lens of Scripture. We need to, as Believers, be wise and ensure that we are prepared for our Groom.