Errol Greene.

Health Ministry advises workers against engaging in political activities

· The Gleaner

Workers in the Ministry of Health and Wellness are being advised that it is against the public service's Staff Orders for employees to engage in representational politics and must quit their jobs if they plan to do so.

Permanent Secretary Errol Greene says the Ministry has taken note that certain employees in the different regional health authorities have put themselves forward to represent political parties in the next general election, which is due next year.

He noted that this is not allowed, citing the Staff Orders which stated that “officers are expressly forbidden to engage in any type of partisan political activity in any elections at any level.”

Greene, in a letter dated Tuesday, September 17, directed the management of regional health authorities to act.

“Kindly bring to the attention of all staff the provision of the Staff Orders and please take the required steps to ensure that any staff member who intends to actively participate in the political process disengages themselves from employment with the authority.”

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