Hello, mi neighbour! | Is God working on your behalf?

· The Gleaner

Hello, mi neighbour! Who is working on your behalf? What is your support system like? Are your ‘surrounders’ trustworthy? Do they have your back? Are they attracted to you because of your utility? Will they be there when … ? Time to take stock and be wise. Otherwise ... !

A friend sent me an inspirational message a few days ago that reads: ‘God is working on your behalf’. Didn’t mean much to me at outset as it sounded like another cliché. Friends forward inspirational messages to friends from time to time as a reminder that they are remembered. Oftentimes the sender doesn’t even understand these messages. As long as they sound profound to them, they think it should inspire others. Nothing is wrong with that per se. There are times, however, when I cannot resist finding creative and inoffensive ways to pinpoint the fallacies in some of these stock messages.

This morning in particular, I started to mediate on the message: ‘God is working on your behalf’, and what that thought could mean to my present circumstances. So, if God is there constantly working on my behalf, it means that I have a bright future and should not lose my night’s rest over he, she, or the old lady. Everything will pan out nicely in the end! If He is working on my behalf, I need not worry about isims, schisms or negative criticisms, aka badmouthing. Got it?

If God is working on my behalf, those things that are intended to work against me, must work for! But after all! Guess you would have read or heard about the story of David and Goliath. David was a mere 14-15-year-old lad when he used a sling and a stone to slay a nine-foot-tall giant who wanted to kill him. No one could deny who was working on David’s behalf when he put this giant, clad in his battledress from head to toe, to rest. That was no small feat, but that is what happens when God works on behalf of people. Is there a ‘giant’ threatening you?

So the question is, does God work on behalf of everyone even though he loves everyone? What do you think? Is He working on your behalf? How do you know? Would you like Him to work on your behalf? We know that God is working on our behalf when:

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· All things work together for our good

· Our answered are prayers

· Unexplained blessings or provision come into your life

· We experience peace and comfort in difficult times

· We find guidance through Scripture reading and prayer

· We experience a sense of hope and renewal daily

· Our faith and trust increase even in the midst of pain.

Mi neighbour, we can tell that God is working on our behalf when:

· Good doors are opening and bad doors are closing

· Badly-needed opportunities find us, unexpectedly

· We can overcome evil with good

· We are able to make wise and honest decisions especially in a time of crisis.


And who wouldn’t want God to work of their behalf?

Those who want Him to, must:

· Adhere His commands

· Trust God’s sovereignty

· Believe in His goodness

· Rest in His love

· Surrender to His will

· Persevere through trials

Now, hear this: God has a plan for our lives and wants to work on our behalf.

1. God’s plans are for our good

2. He works all things for our benefit

4. He guides and directs us

5. He finishes what He starts.

I invite you to reflect on these questions as you seek to have God ‘work on your behalf’:

· What are your greatest concerns or challenges?

· Have you seen God work in your life before?

· Have you experienced unexpected blessings or provision?

May we pray?

Lord, I now surrender all that am, have and desire to you, as I trust you to ‘work on my behalf’.

Enjoy the journey!


1. Stove

2. Rrefrigerator

3. Bed

4. Food

5. Medication

6. Financial assistance to start a little business.

To help, please call Silton Townsend @ 876 649-9636 or 876 884-3866 Email: helloneighbour@yahoo.com. Visit hellomineighbourja.blogspot.com. Townsend exclusively manages the collections and distributions mentioned in this column and is neither an employee nor agent of The Gleaner.