Keir Starmer ally slams 'theft' of the Elgin Marbles from Greece

by · Mail Online

A former Labour frontbencher has slammed the 'theft' of the Elgin Marbles and insisted Keir Starmer is looking to resolve the standoff with Greece.

Thangam Debbonaire, who lost her Bristol seat to the Greens at the election, said the statues did not belong in the British Museum.

The comments, in an interview with Greek newspaper Ta Nea, comes amid continuing wrangling behind the scenes over the Parthenon sculptures.  

The dispute has been running for centuries, with Rishi Sunak and his Greek counterpart clashing bitterly on the issue last year.

Tory former chancellor George Osborne has been trying to negotiate a deal in his role as chair of the British Museum's board of trustees.

That could involve the Marbles being sent to Greece for a decade - although it is unclear Athens will agree as it would mean tacitly accepting the Museum's legal ownership. 

A former Labour frontbencher has slammed the 'theft' of the Elgin Marbles (pictured a section of the sculptures at the British Museum
Thangam Debbonaire, who lost her Bristol seat to the Greens at the election , said the statues did not belong in the British Museum

Ending the saga could boost Sir Keir's efforts to 'reset' relations with Europe, which he has made a priority for his premiership. 

Culture minister Chris Bryant raised eyebrows over the summer by praising the British Museum's attempts to resolve international disputes - such as over the Parthenon sculptures.

Ms Debbonnaire, who served as shadow culture secretary under Sir Keir, described the removal of the marbles more than 200 years ago as an act of 'theft'.

'The way the Parthenon sculptures came to this country was, at best, unacceptable. I think we all know it was theft,' she told Ta Nea. 

'If you stand in front of any of them in the British Museum, you are struck by what's missing.'

Ms Debbonaire admitted she had not discussed the issue directly with Sir Keir, but said she was confident the marbles would be returned in her lifetim.

'Keir wants a solution. He wants a solution because we're allies. Greece is the home of democracy. We are great celebrators of democracy in the Labour Party,' she said. 

The fifth-century BC Parthenon sculptures were moved from Athens between 1801 to 1812 by the Earl of Elgin, when it was still part of the Ottoman Empire.

The peer, who was the British ambassador, planned to set up a private museum before transferring them to the British Museum.

Greece insists the artefacts were obtained illegally by Lord Elgin, but the UK is adamant that they were legally obtained by Lord Elgin with the permission of the Ottoman authorities.

A 1963 law prevents the British Museum from permanently disposing of key items from its collection, although it would not stop a loan deal. 

In November last year, a diplomatic spat broke out between the UK and Greece with the Elgin Marbles at the centre. 

Mr Sunak cancelled a meeting with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in London after he said Britain keeping the marbles was like 'cutting the Mona Lisa in half.' 

Ending the saga could boost Sir Keir's (pictured) efforts to 'reset' relations with Europe, which he has made a priority for his premiership
Another part of the Parthenon sculptures at the British Museum 

The UK insisted that had broken a commitment from the Greeks not to use the visit for 'grandstanding' on the long-running spat.

In March 2023 Mr Sunak underlined his stance that such relics should stay in Britain. 

'The UK has cared for the Elgin Marbles for generations,' he said. 'Our galleries and museums are funded by taxpayers because they are a huge asset to this country... 

'We share their treasures with the world, and the world comes to the UK to see them.'