My family were last victims of Ibiza gang that gassed Nick Grimshaw

by · Mail Online

A mother said she helped stop the Ibiza gang that gassed Nick Grimshaw after her family became their last victims.

The 46-year-old revealed CCTV that shows the infamous robbers' final burglary at her home in San Antonio on August 28. 

She said she and and her two daughters were struck by the same burglars who targeted people across the party island.

The mother claimed they were gassed but managed to escape and police used her CCTV footage to catch the infamous gang hours later.

Her ordeal, which led to the arrests, brought a crime spree that terrorised the island to an end - with police telling her she was targeted by the infamous gang.

CCTV footage capturing the burglars in the family home in Ibiza 
The burglars are seen intruding in the home and are captured on CCTV footage 
Nick Grimshaw and his 81-year-old mother Eileen were sedated by a criminal gang in Ibiza  (Pictured in London in February 2017)

The mother, from England, is withholding her name and where she is from because her family are still so traumatised.

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She said: 'They looked very relaxed - but of course they were, they knew we'd been drugged. They weren't in any rush.

'My daughters are still screaming during the night. It makes me sick - they were there for over two hours.

'It was horrendous. I've been through a lot of tough things in my life, but this was so awful.

'They were in our home, and around our beds - what were they doing in our house while a mother and her two children slept in a bed?'

'What were they looking for that took them so many hours?

'Police have now sent out video footage of the people who have been arrested - and it's the same guys that were in our house.'

The mother said she was sleeping in her villa's bedroom with her two preteen daughters.

The mother claimed they were gassed but managed to escape and police were able to use her CCTV footage to catch the infamous gang hours later 
The mother claimed she and and her two daughters were struck by the same burglars who targeted people across the party island 

She said men wearing balaclavas entered at 3.58am on August 28 and they were gassed by a so called anaesthetic.

The victim said the thieves remained in the home for more than two hours, rummaging through the family's belongings and artwork and stealing jewellery and cash.

After being woken up by her panicked daughters who witnessed one of the men in a balaclava in their room, the victim and her children managed to escape.

They fled via the balcony window on the ground floor, running and seeking help from staff who lived on the grounds of the property.

Police were alerted, and CCTV footage from inside the home showed the intruders inspecting every inch of the property while the occupants slept.

Nick Grimshaw jetted out to Ibiza to celebrate his 40th birthday last month. Grimmy was pictured on the Spanish island enjoying an ice cream 

They eventually fled the scene at 6:03AM after noticing the family's escape.

The victim said officers were able to track down the thieves' home through the vehicles they had used during the robberies.

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Nick Grimshaw and his mother, 81, are sedated with gas and terrorised by gang in hazmat suits

She said: 'It was awful. My daughter kept telling me to hurry up so we could escape, but we were trapped in the room.

'They went in through one side of the house and came out of the gymnasium. They gassed us and spent over two hours in our house.

'I thought 'if they have guns, we're dead.' I thought either time was up for me and my children, or we can run.

'We escaped through the balcony and ran over the field towards where the housekeeper lives.

'I checked the CCTV on my phone, and I saw two men in balaclavas, gloves and wearing silent shoes rummaging through my house and then that's really when it set in.

'I saw them moving through the corridors and triggering the motion light - and I could see one of the men holding something I feared was a weapon.

'I have images of these two, casually walking up out the front side of our home whilst we escaped from the back side.

A general view of Ibiza where Grimshaw, his mother Eileen, and his fiance Meshach Henry, were burgled in their holiday villa

'Seconds after we escaped, you can see them on the CCTV camera, removing their balaclavas and gloves and shoes and walking past our room.

'They looked inside our car and saw nothing of interest and then you could see them walking off down the drive way.'

On September 1, Spanish authorities arrested two men and one woman accused of robbing 22 luxury homes in Ibiza over the last five years - often gassing victims to induce drowsiness.

The thieves had been committing robberies since 2019, police said, making off with an estimated £460,000 in stolen goods.

The anonymous victim and her children say they are still experiencing serious effects from the robbery - with her children regularly suffering from night terrors as a result.

Two men from Albania plus a woman have been remanded in prison, facing charges of breaking and entering, robbery with violence, and theft.

A statement from Guardia Civil police said: 'The thieves entered the homes while the residents were asleep, always dressed in black to hide their faces.

'Many of the victims reported to police that they felt groggy when they woke up, along with discomfort such as vomiting and dizziness, so it is believed that the alleged perpetrators used some kind of gas that caused drowsiness.'