Ministers to review sentences for online paedos after Huw Edwards case

by · Mail Online

Ministers are set to review sentences for online paedophiles amid calls for guaranteed prison terms for offenders such as Huw Edwards.

There was a public outcry after the former BBC newsreader escaped jail earlier this month after admitting possession of indecent images of children.

The 63-year-old received a six-month prison sentence, suspended for two years.

He admitted three charges of 'making' indecent photographs after being sent 41 illegal images by paedophile Alex Williams over WhatsApp.

The case sparked anger with questions raised about the decision to let Edwards dodge jail and over wider sentencing guidelines.

The National Crime Agency last year raised concerns that eight out of 10 people in the UK caught with indecent images of children avoid going to jail.

The row over Edwards will pile pressure on the Government ahead of a planned sentencing review being overseen by Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood.

There was a public outcry after former BBC newsreader Hue Edwards escaped jail earlier this month after admitting possession of indecent images of children
A court artist's sketch of Edwards appearing at Westminster Magistrate's Court earlier this month

A source said the review would look at all sentencing - including for online paedophiles - amid calls for judges to 'come down like a ton of bricks' on offenders.

Tory leadership contender Kemi Badenoch last week voiced her anger over the 'really shocking' Edwards case.

'I want a society where paedophiles are going to prison, not just socially shamed,' she said.

Dr Sara Payne is a campaigner best known for 'Sarah's Law', which allows parents to ask police if someone is a convicted child sex offender.

She told The Sun a review of sentencing guidelines for those downloading and sharing images of child sexual exploitation was 'long overdue'.

'Judges need to come down on the offenders like a ton of bricks,' she added. 'People forget that these are children who are being raped or abused. It is not just a picture.'

A Ministry of Justice spokesman said: 'The Lord Chancellor has already confirmed plans to launch a review into sentencing. Further details will be set out in due course.'