Eton-educated graduate, 26, accused of beating his comedian girlfriend

by · Mail Online

An Eton-educated graduate has been accused of trying to suffocate his girlfriend with a pillow after beating her in a jealous rage in New York. 

Oliver Lane, 26, allegedly dragged Sienna Hubert-Ross, 25, around their Manhattan apartment, choking and slapping her before pinning her down and trying to murder her.  

Hubert-Ross managed to ring her mother and a friend during the 'savage' attack which happened on August 8, according to her New York Supreme Court complaint obtained by

Lane studied at the prestigious British private school Eton and majored in music and political science at the University of Pennsylvania

Hubert-Ross's mother and friend allegedly heard the beating down the phone as they listened to Lane pounding her while she 'screamed in terror and pleaded with him to let her live,' the complaint says. 

Oliver Lane, 26, (right) is accused of violently attacking his then girlfriend Sienna Hubert-Ross (left) during an August 8 altercation at their Manhattan apartment 
The up-and-coming comedian and actress has filed a 13-page complaint containing shocking images of her bruised and battered arms and legs after the assault 
Lane is alleged to have violently lashed out on Hubert-Ross after accusing her of cheating and flying into a jealous rage 

British-born Lane would have killed Hubert-Ross had he not 'disabled' himself when he missed with a punch and thrust his fist through a glass door, her lawyers allege.

The up-and-coming actress was found 'bruised, bloody and battered' when police showed up to arrest Lane. 

He faces a slew of assault charges as well as a demand for $5,000,000 (£3,766,725) in damages from Hubert-Ross who claims to have suffered emotional and psychological injuries that threaten to derail her career.

Her allegations are laid bare in a 13-page complaint containing photographs of her legs and arms peppered with bruises, welts and scratches, and published for the first time by

The lurid filing says the pair enjoyed a whirlwind romance after connecting in May on the dating app Hinge, where marketing exec Lane posted a photo of himself in a dashing black tuxedo.

Within a week and a half of their first date, he told Hubert-Ross 'he loved her' and promised to break off all communications with an ex-girlfriend named Sammy, it says.

Lane wanted her to move into a Lower East Side apartment with him and another man but she was worried that the housemate, Will, 'had a homosexual love interest in Lane and if they lived together, Will and Lane would engage in a romantic affair.'

The disagreement sparked a July 26 argument at O'Hanlon's Bar where, according to the complaint, Lane allegedly shoved Hubert-Ross before telling her in the taxi home: 'I'm going to f*****g kill you.'

According to the filing, the two had an argument that turned physical after Lane told Hubert-Ross to move into his Lower East Side apartment (Google street view pictured) in late July
Lane has been accused of beating his former partner in a jealous rage

When he shoved her again the next day she 'conceded' and agreed to move in with him and Will. 

In the early hours of August 8, Lane and Hubert-Ross ran into a friend of hers with whom she had had a brief 'hook up' years earlier, the suit says.

Lane - a product of elite British school Eton – looked through her phone but couldn't find any evidence of cheating. 

When Hubert-Ross turned the tables by asking to see what he had been texting to Sammy, he flew into a rage, calling her 'an immature little b****h* and a 'little c***', it's alleged.

'Lane begrudgingly gave Hubert-Ross his phone and she saw why he was so angry and defensive,' the suit continues.

'Namely, because Lane and Sammy had extensive and recent romantic text communications, including texts where Lane told Sammy that she was the only one for him and that Lane often woke up thinking about her, when he was in bed with Hubert-Ross.

'Before Hubert-Ross could review any further, Lane snatched his phone back from her and violently threw her into the stove. Hubert-Ross stayed on the ground, stunned and shocked by what had just occurred.

'Unfortunately for Hubert-Ross, this was just the beginning of Lane's violent assault and attempted murder.

'As she laid terrified on the kitchen floor, Lane violently grabbed Hubert-Ross by her arms, dragged her into the bathroom, picked her up and threw her into the porcelain bathtub.'

The complaint contends that Hubert-Ross - who shares comedic skits and Kamala Harris impersonations with her nearly-300,000 Instagram followers - could do little to defend herself from her 6ft 1in attacker.

The actress's lawyers allege Lane would have killed Hubert-Ross, 25, had he not 'disabled' himself when he missed with a punch and thrust his fist through a glass door
Court records show Lane pleaded not guilty to the criminal charges at an August 8 arraignment and was bailed to reappear on November 20

Fearing for her life, she dialed her mother and was able to text a friend, Sarah, to say 'r u awake. Oliver just hit me.'

Hubert-Ross's mother merged Sarah into the call and they both listened in shock to the ensuing 'vicious assault and battery', the complaint alleges.

'Lane next grabbed Hubert-Ross and threw her off the bed, causing her to violently hit her head against the bottom of the bedframe and she briefly lost consciousness,' it continues. 

'Lane continued to throw Hubert-Ross around the room, yelling at her and telling her that Sammy was there to support him during a difficult medical diagnosis.

'Lane then sat on top of Hubert-Ross on the bed, propped her up and violently slapped her across the face at full strength multiple times. Lane also bit her on the arm.'

The two women claim they overheard Lane say that he wanted to kill Hubert-Ross. He placed his hands around her neck and started to choke her, the complaint adds.

She kicked him in a 'last ditch attempt to save herself' but this allegedly made Lane angrier and he slapped her across the face.

'Hubert-Ross continued to scream and plead with Lane to stop. However, rather than relent to her pleas, he dialed up the attack and took a pillow, put it over Hubert-Ross's head and mouth and began to suffocate her,' the suit alleges.

'Hubert-Ross somehow managed to escape this attempted murder and run out of the room, but Lane quickly followed and grabbed her by the arm to drag her back to the bedroom.

'In the bedroom Lane tried to punch her but missed, shattering the glass door to the bedroom. Thankfully, Lane's first missed punch of the night created a barrier of broken glass between him and Hubert-Ross.

'Then, before Lane could then finish the job and kill Hubert-Ross, he stepped on the broken glass which temporarily disabled him in time for the police - called by Sarah - to arrive at the scene.' 

The suit says police led Hubert-Ross to safety and she obtained an order of protection against Lane which he breached by texting her the very next day.

The complaint claims Hubert-Ross, who has garnered a large following on social media, was forced to audition for a big role 'covered in bruises' as a result of the incident  
Hubert-Ross is now seeking damages for physical and emotional distress for which she now requires therapy, her lawsuit states

Court records confirm he was criminally charged with strangulation in the second degree, a felony punishable by up to seven years in prison, plus assault in the third degree and criminal obstruction of breathing, both misdemeanors.

The accuser is claiming damages for various physical and emotional ailments that will require ongoing therapy for Acute Stress Disorder, depression and suicidal ideation, according to the complaint.

'Moreover, on August 14, 2024, Hubert-Ross had an audition with a very well-known broadcast network television show, something which Lane knew about before he viciously assaulted her,' it says.

'Because of Lane's attack, Hubert-Ross auditioned while covered in bruises and suffering from the mental trauma of the event, which negatively impacted her performance and she was not offered the role.'

Brett Gallaway, Partner at McLaughlin & Stern, the firm representing Hubert-Ross, told 'We are proud of Ms. Hubert-Ross for having the courage to come forward as an advocate for victims of domestic-violence and even more so, as an advocate for herself.

'The allegations against Mr. Lane are very serious as it was a brutal attack leaving both physical and emotional scars that will haunt her for the rest of her life.

'Mr. Lane will now be forced to answer for his crimes, and we look forward to ensuring he pays for his cowardly actions.'

Lane pleaded not guilty to the criminal charges at an August 8 arraignment and was bailed to reappear on November 20.

At the time of publication his lawyer had not returned a call asking for comment.