Heroin dealer captured handing out drugs right under CCTV

by · Mail Online

A heroin dealer caught brazenly selling drugs and dancing with cash under a CCTV camera dodged prison after a judge told him 'you were not very good at it'.

Entison Dimitri, 35, was captured dealing cocaine and heroin out the back of his black Volkswagen Polo in February by a casino's security camera in Peterborough.

The footage, taken on February 22, showed Dimitri skipping and jiving after selling class A drugs to customers and collecting more wraps from his car.

But despite the clear flouting of the law, a judge at Cambridge Crown Court handed him a suspended sentence.

Entison Dimitri dancing as he makes his way back to his black Volvo for more drugs to sell 
Caught red handed: Dimitri exchanging drugs for money close to a casino's CCTV camera
A judge told him he was going to be caught eventually because 'you were not very good at it'

Reprimanding Dimitri, the judge said: 'Having watched the CCTV you were somewhat naïve given the fact that you were dealing drugs in full view of the CCTV.

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'It was just a question of time before you were caught, because you were not very good at it.' 

The operator of the security camera at Merkur Slots in Millfield tipped off the police about Dimitri's illicit activities.

Officers searched him outside the casino and took wraps of cocaine and crack cocaine worth about £5,000.

Detectives then raided his home on nearby Lincoln Road and found uncovered more drugs taking the total seized to more than £10,000.

The judge added: 'It is concerning that the birth of your child threw you into drug dealing. You also developed a gambling addiction and sold drugs in order to fund that addiction.'

Dimitri was sentenced to two years in prison, suspended for two years for drug dealing 
Finding his stash: Dimitri was selling cocaine, crack and heroin in Peterborough in February 

Dimitri was sentenced to two years in prison, suspended for two years, after previously admitting possession with intent to supply cocaine, crack cocaine and heroin.

He must carry out 180 hours of unpaid work, complete a 25-day Rehabilitation Activity Requirement and adhere to a curfew between 9.30pm and 6am for the next four months.

Sergeant Sarah Phillips, from the Eastern Peterborough Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: 'Tackling drug dealing and associated crime in this area of the city is a priority for my team, as it was highlighted as a concern by the local community.

'This work falls under 'Alliance' which is a partnership initiative to regenerate Millfield to ensure a safer, better place for residents and businesses by tackling organised crime.'