Moment thug viciously kicks dog in the head

by · Mail Online

A thug who was caught on camera kicking a small dog in the head could be jailed after he admitted animal cruelty.

Taylor Thompson, 27, was sat in a car on his driveway and blasted his horn as a dog walker paused briefly outside his property shouting: 'Move your f*****g dog.' 

A court heard a female dog owner had been innocently walking her pooch along the street in the Kitts Green area of Birmingham on June 17.

Despite the woman and her pet not being in the way of the driveway, Thompson then got from his red car and walked towards them.

A court heard a female dog owner had been innocently walking her pooch along the street in the Kitts Green area of Birmingham on June 17
Without warning the cowardly yob then ferociously boots the little black mutt - sending it flying through the air

Without warning the cowardly yob then ferociously boots the little black mutt - sending it flying through the air.

The distressed woman bends down to tend to the injured animal which continues to cry out for several seconds while Thompson gets back in his car and drives away.

The footage, obtained by the Birmz is Grime blog, caused outrage after being posted to social media prompting West Midlands Police to launch an investigation.

Thompson was identified by cops and arrested from his home address in Kitts Green before racially abusing officers as he was taken into custody.

He pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal at Birmingham Magistrates Court on September 9.

Taylor Thompson, 27, was sat in a car on his driveway and blasted his horn as a dog walker paused briefly outside his property shouting: 'Move your f*****g dog'

Thompson was also charged with possession of class B drugs, two counts of using threatening language and behaviour and two counts of racial harassment.

He will be sentenced at Birmingham Crown Court on October 7.

Detective Sergeant Peta Haynes, from Birmingham Police, said: 'This case understandably caused outrage when the video was shared on social media, and officers were quickly able to identify the offender and put him before the court.

'This was a really traumatic incident for the woman, who was simply walking her dog when Thompson verbally abused and kicked her dog in an unprovoked attack.

'Thompson also subjected our officers to racial abuse while being taken into custody.

'Our officers put their lives on the line every day to protect our communities and to receive this level of abuse is just unacceptable.

'This should send a strong message out to people that this kind of behaviour is not acceptable and that action will be taken.'