Alder Willis and the murder scene on the Tyne Tunnel Trading Estate

Murderous pensioner who robbed three children of their dad after 'childish' feud jailed for life

Alder Willis, of Camperdown, was convicted of murdering Andrew Darn on the Tyne Tunnel Trading Estate by stabbing him

by · ChronicleLive

A pensioner who robbed three children of their loving dad when a "childish" feud between neighbouring businesses ended in murder must spend at least 18 years behind bars.

A dispute sparked by parking 14 years ago had caused problems between two firms on the Tyne Tunnel Trading Estate, in North Shields, long before tragic Andrew Darn began working there in 2022. Despite playing no role in it and even expressing his disapproval at the petty altercations, the 35-year-old was savagely murdered by Alder Willis after the latest flare up in hostilities in March.

As the 68-year-old, of Allanville, Camperdown, North Tyneside, who was convicted of murder and having a bladed article, was jailed for life and told he has to serve 18 years before he has any hope of freedom, emotional statements were read out from Andrew's loved ones outlining the catastrophic effects his death has had on them.

Andrew’s partner, Stephanie, the mother of his three children - two boys aged two and five and a girl aged 12 - listed all the things she misses about her partner, including their morning cuddle, the cup of tea he would make her every morning and the call he would make to her around 11am.

She said: “I miss seeing the boys rushing to the front door when he came in from work. I miss him giving into our daughter’s request for a lift to the end of the road. He found it difficult to say no to her when she asked for anything. I miss most of all how much we laughed with each other.”

Stephanie added: “My life and that of our children will never be the same. We are missing a huge piece of the puzzle. I’ve been robbed of growing old with the person I loved and reduced to living in this nightmare for the rest of my life.

“My babies should not be without their dad and it breaks my heart they have suffered his loss when they are so young.”

Stephanie said: “Andrew was my best friend, my person, my love.”

Andrew Darn who died at the Tyne Tunnel Trading Estate in North Shields(Image: Northumbria Police)

Andrew’s dad, Michael Darn, went into the witness box to read his victim impact statement. Fighting back tears, he said: “I didn’t just lose a son on that Wednesday when he was taken from us, I lost my best friend.

“When Andrew died, a big part of me died with him. A father should never have to identify their son as I did that Thursday. It’s a memory that will remain with me for the rest of my life.

“I still have sleepless nights where I can see him in the mortuary with a white sheet pulled up to his neck. I wasn’t able to hold him and tell him how much I loved him, to tell him everything was going to be alright.”

Mr Darn added: “Andrew had so much to live for. Leaving such a young family behind, who knows the effect it’s going to have on them. He will be missed more than words can say.

“When people ask how I’m doing, I will say I’m coping but every single day is a struggle. I miss my best friend so much.”

Andrew Darn, 35, of North Shields.(Image: Northumbria Police)

Andrew’s mum, Deborah, said: “I miss him and his cuddles so much. My life and my family’s life has never been the same since that fateful day the police came to our door and said Andrew had died. The world has become a darker place."

Judge Paul Sloan KC said the bickering between those at Easy Access Garage Doors, where Andrew worked and those at The Deli, run by Willis and his partner, "was all very trivial and childish" and added that Andrew was not party to that long-standing dispute as he had only worked there since April 2022.

The judge said there was “yet another silly incident” on March 26 this year when a woman at the garage door company was throwing food to seagulls and deliberately threw some at Willis’ partner as she walked past and she responded by hitting the other woman.

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Willis then came on the scene and took exception to the fact Andrew was standing behind the woman from the garage door company. Judge Sloan said: “You got it into your head he was backing her up and threatened to kill or stab him. That was not the first time you had threatened to kill or stab him or to have him killed or stabbed.”

Willis then decided to take matters further, following Andrew when he left work that afternoon and gesturing at him. The judge said this “really unsettled” Andrew, who felt “intimidated and fearful” and when he spoke to his partner about it he was “upset, distressed and worried”.

The following morning, Willis was unpacking boxes from his van when Andrew pulled up and asked why he had been following him and trying to intimidate him and the two men walked towards each other.

Judge Sloan told Willis: “You placed your hands in your pocket. The knife was in your right hand pocket. I’ve no doubt from that moment on you had the knife in your right hand inside your pocket, ready for use should violence flare.

“There was a verbal confrontation between one another. You kept your right hand in your pocket, holding the knife, ready for use.

The murder weapon used by Alder Willis(Image: Northumbria Police)

“What it was that caused Mr Darn to snap will never be known because you have chosen not to be frank about what passed between you in those critical moments but he did snap and punched you in the face.

“You were ready for him. It was a deliberate and cowardly use of a lethal weapon.

“The moment he went for you, the knife was out and you were swinging it towards his chest, not just once but twice. You did that knowing you were stabbing an unarmed man.

“Then, knowing you had struck him with the knife, you made your way back to the deli. Mr Darn returned to his car and sat in the driver’s seat, where he remained, bleeding to death.

“Even though you knew you had stabbed him, you just carried on with your daily routine. As the minutes went by, you did nothing to help Mr Darn.

“The only thing you did do in the immediate aftermath was to look towards Mr Darn and draw your right hand across your throat in a slitting motion.”

Willis did not approach Mr Darn’s car for 20 minutes. Judge Sloan said: “When you saw him slumped on the driver’s seat, even then you did not alert the emergency services.” Instead, he and his partner closed the cafe and left the scene.

Judge Sloan said: “You were more concerned about getting your dog back to the house then you were for the welfare of Mr Darn.”

Mr Darn was eventually discovered and desperate efforts were made to save him but to no avail. Meanwhile, Willis was on the phone to his friend saying he would not be able to make a planned holiday to Benidorm and was recorded on CCTV telling his partner he would see her in 15 years, “acknowledging, in effect, that you had murdered Mr Darn,” Judge Sloan said.

Referring to the victim impact statements from Andrew’s loved ones, the judge adds: “It’s harrowing to hear the devastation your actions have wrought. Family members are now living a nightmare.”

Peter Makepeace KC, mitigating, said Willis did not strike the first blow, did not intend to kill and handed himself in to police.

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