Jamie Gales(Image: Newcastle Chronicle)

Mindless Sunderland driver seriously injured women when he flouted red light and ploughed into car

Jamie Gales was leading police on a chase at double the speed limit for the road when the crash happened in Sunderland

by · ChronicleLive

A mindless driver caused serious injuries to two women when he flouted a red light and ploughed into their car.

Jamie Gales was leading police on a pursuit at twice the 30mph speed limit along a road in Sunderland when he ignored the red light at a "dangerous" junction. As a result, the 32-year-old's VW Golf smashed into the side of another car, sending it flying into metal barriers, a court heard.

Such was the force of the collision, one of the barriers was completely uprooted and all four occupants of the other vehicle were injured. However, the female front seat and back seat passengers sustained serious injuries, with one having to be released from the wreckage by the fire brigade, Newcastle Crown Court was told.

The two women were taken to hospital where one needed seven stitches to a deep wound to her head and the other suffered a broken collarbone. Gales, of Branston Street, in Sunderland, was arrested at the scene and has now been given a 20-month prison sentence, suspended for two years, after he pleaded guilty to causing serious injury by dangerous driving.

Matthew Hopkins, prosecuting, said Gales' vehicle first came to the attention of an officer at around 10.45pm on Ryhope Street because it was travelling at speed, however, he lost sight of it. A short time later, the same officer noticed the car again as it braked harshly at a bend.

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Mr Hopkins said checks revealed that the vehicle had no insurance and the constable began to follow it, prompting Gales to increase his speed to 60mph in a 30mph zone in an attempt to get away. The prosecutor said Gales then flouted a red light at a junction on Queen Alexandra Road, while a Renault Clio was travelling through the green light.

Mr Hopkins continued: "The Golf drove into the front passenger side of the Clio, causing the Clio to go through two sets of railings, which were protecting the pedestrian crossing, completely unearthing one set of railings. The Golf didn't brake at all."

The court heard that the front passenger in the Clio was motionless at first but had regained consciousness by the time the officer went to help her. As well as the wound to her head, she also suffered cuts to her arms, which have left permanent scars.

Andrew Walker, defending, said dad-of-six Gales, who has 13 offences on his record, hadn't been before a court since 2018. He added: "He is remorseful for his reckless and damaging behaviour.

"He's reduced, almost to nil, his alcohol consumption and he's ceased the cannabis use that he's previously misused, although neither of those two intoxicants were present at the time."

Gales was also banned from the roads for two years, was fined £750 and must do 150 hours of unpaid work. Sentencing him, Judge Julie Clemitson said: "You're extremely fortunate you appear for this offence and not something more serious.

"You could have so easily killed one of the occupants of that car or yourself or someone else, a pedestrian or cyclist. It just doesn't bear thinking about the possible consequences of going through a red light at that speed."

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