Whoever Sent Perlis Mufti Threatening Messages, Cops Are Looking For You

The case is being investigated under Section 506 of the Penal Code for criminal intimidation.

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The Perlis State Fatwa Committee last Friday declared that the beliefs and teachings of Global Ikhwan Services & Business Holdings Sdn Bhd (GISBH) contain elements of deviant teachings, specifically of a mystical nature.

According to Perlis Mufti, Datuk Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, also known as Dr Maza, the teachings promoted by GISBH are a continuation of the teachings of Al-Arqam, which were previously declared deviant.

According to Sinar Harian, he further explained that the economic model practiced by GISBH contradicts Islamic economic principles and is not considered a legitimate economic model within Islam.

Perlis has become the first state in Malaysia to officially declare the organization as a group promoting deviant teachings.

Dr Maza Receives Threatening Messages Over GISBH Controversy

Following this controversial decision, Dr Maza reportedly received threatening messages from an unidentified individual.

According to Harian Metro, the police have opened an investigation into the alleged threats, which are believed to be linked to the GISBH case.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Razarudin Husain stated that preliminary investigations revealed that the incident occurred at around 8.56am on Saturday, 21 September, while Dr Maza was at his office in Bangunan Dato Mahmud Mat, Kangar, Perlis.

The Mufti received several messages via WhatsApp from an unknown number, as reported by Kosmos.

There were four messages related to GISBH, claiming that the company’s business is unrivaled in the country.

However, Dr Mohd Asri ignored the messages, prompting the individual to send provocative and threatening messages.

He believes the WhatsApp message constitutes a criminal threat, as the term ‘kafir harbi’ (a non-believer whose blood is permissible to shed) was used,” Razarudin said, as quoted by Harian Metro.

Authorities Tracking Down the Suspect

Following this incident, Dr Maza lodged a police report at Kangar Police Station on the same day for further action.

The case is being investigated under Section 506 of the Penal Code for criminal intimidation.

If convicted, the suspect may face up to two years in prison, a fine, or both.

Razarudin mentioned that the police are intensifying their efforts to locate the suspect responsible for sending the threatening message to the Mufti.

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