Harian Metro

Couple Banks 20% For 5 Years, Unlocks RM700,000 Dream Home

At 31 and 30 respectively, Sollehi and Munirah have pulled off the ultimate ‘heist’: snagging a two-story terrace house that would make any millennial weep with envy.

by · TRP Msia · Join

A power couple is living proof that sometimes, the house always wins—especially when you’re the one buying it.

Mohd Sollehi Arshad and Munirah Mahmud religiously squirrelled away 20 per cent of their income for five years.

The result? A stunning two-story terrace house in Mambau, Negeri Sembilan, worth a cool RM700,000.

Their secret weapon? A five-year disciplined savings plan.

The Five-Year Plan That Paid Off

“Every month, my wife and I make sure to save at least 20 per cent of our income together, which is dedicated to savings and used to buy important things, including preparation for buying a house,” Mohd Sollehi reveals to Harian Metro.

The plot twist? They weren’t even looking to buy.

The savvy savers are out on a regular shopping trip when fate intervenes.

They stumble upon a property fair, and suddenly, all those years of penny-pinching crystallize into their dream home.

Location, Location, Location: The Perks of Foresight

And because they’re overachievers, they even had enough left over for renovations and decor.

These two didn’t just buy a house; they invested in a growing community. Schools, shops, and medical centres are all in the pipeline.

“This is important so that in the future, as residents, it will be convenient for us to access these facilities. Additionally, this area is also close to the highway,” he said.

Five years of saving for a lifetime of convenience? Sounds like a bargain to us!

Latte-to-Landlord: A Wake-Up Call for Renters

As Malaysia grapples with a housing market that’s about as friendly as a hangry tiger, this couple’s story is a beacon of hope—or a wake-up call, depending on how you look at it.

They’ve shown that with enough determination, savvy, and willingness to say no to avocado toast, the dream of homeownership isn’t dead.

So, to all aspiring homeowners out there drowning your sorrows in overpriced lattes and wondering if you’ll ever escape the rental rat race, take heart.

All you need now is the courage to follow it—and maybe a time machine to travel back five years and start saving again.

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