The abandoned cars after the flood water subsided(Image: Kim Roberts)

Devon flood terror as driver 'up to his neck' in water

A 'massive current' engulfed a road

by · DevonLive

A 4x4 driver says she and the driver of another vehicle are lucky to be alive after they were both swept along by a 'massive current' in a flooded road and became trapped after water started to pour inside their vehicles. The male driver of the car was said to have been up to his neck in water.

Both were rescued by fire crews this morning, September 29, along a stretch of road between Musbury and the village of Whitford, with the man taken to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. Kim Roberts, the driver of the 4x4 claims she was told by a fireman that a van got into difficulty at the same spot when the water was 2ft deep the previous evening prompting her to question why the road had not been closed or flood warning signs put up.

Kim, 68, became stranded in her Range Rover after leaving her home in Axminster to tend to horses she keeps on land in Whitford but roadworks meant she had to take an alternative route along Whitford Road.

The water level was said to be at the top of the gate(Image: Kim Roberts)

She recalled: "It's a road I never take. I drove through six inches deep water and then within four yards it got really deep. It was too late to turn around and a massive current took my car down the lane.

"If it had not swung around and got wedged before a gate post I would have been swept into the field and me and my dog would have died. There was a post that said the water was 4ft 6".

"Luckily I was in a Range Rover which is higher but the water was still over the bonnet. The water was rising like I couldn't believe.

"I couldn't open the doors as there was too much pressure from the water. The water came in over my steering wheel and up to my waist.

"My Jack Russell dog was in the car with me. I had to wrap her around my neck as he was terrified."

Kim called 999 at 8.20am and said they arrived within 15 minutes. Two fire engines were sent to the scene.

She continued: "I could see a man in a car down the hill and the water was right up to the top of his roof. Firefighters got to him just before he drowned and he was taken to hospital. He was seriously traumatised.

"As the water was so deep nobody could drive to where we were to help. Firefighters waded through the water and got me out through the window after I handed them my dog.

Kim is currently having to rely on public transport to see to her horses as her vehicle it as a write-off.

She said: "I was lucky to get out alive. I refused to go to hospital as I needed to go to my horses.

"There were no signs up to warn of flooding ahead, but there is now. Two people nearly lost their lives this morning. It's an absolute disgrace."

The Range Rover became wedged(Image: Kim Roberts)

Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service (DSFRS) has confirmed it was sent to the same location within the space of four hours.

A DSFRS spokesperson said: "We were called at 8.20am this morning to Whitford Road at Musbury. We sent two crews and firefighters rescued two people from separate vehicles stuck in floodwater using flood rescue equipment and dry suits.

"Both casualties were checked at the scene by paramedics and one was taken to hospital by ambulance. The police attended to close the road.

"Earlier in the morning, at 3.50am, at the same location, a woman called the emergency services to report that her van had got stuck in floodwater. However, before the arrival of our crews, she informed our control operators that she was now on dry land and emergency services were no longer required."

The police have been approached for a comment.