Torridge officers join Know Your Numbers week for blood pressure awareness

How well do you really know your numbers? Torridge officers check their health in #KnowYourNumbers Week

by · DevonLive

Officers at Torridge District Council took part in Know Your Numbers! Week 2024, with exceptional help from the Active Torridge team.

Representatives from Active Torridge, which provides sport, leisure, health and wellbeing opportunities for the Torridge community, completed fitness and health checks on officers. Staff also got the chance to participate in a 3-event competition: most metres in one minute on the rowing machine, most time in plank position and most time in a wall squat.

Know Your Numbers! Week is the UK’s biggest blood pressure testing and awareness event. The week aims to help people know their blood pressure and where to go for help should they need any treatment/support to get their blood pressure under control.

Around a third of adults in the UK have high blood pressure, but many will not realise it. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension) rarely has noticeable symptoms, but if left untreated, can increase the risk of serious problems such as heart attacks and strokes.

Chris Keeble, chief operating officer of Active Torridge, said: “Life can often be busy, so we understand that knowing your blood pressure numbers and taking the time to get them measured is not always a priority. However, getting a simple blood pressure check is the first step to preventing heart attacks and strokes. Knowing your numbers enables you to start making healthy lifestyle changes or start taking medicines to bring your blood pressure down to a healthy level. At Active Torridge, we can help residents, whatever their level, find an activity that suits them, provide expert guidance and enjoy the social aspect of fitness.”

Councillor Lyndon Piper, lead member for leisure, Torridge District Council, said: “We all know our phone numbers, PINs, bank account numbers, postcodes, etc, but very few of us know these very important numbers relating to our health and wellbeing. Thank you to Active Torridge, who showed us how, in just a few minutes, a blood pressure test is one of the simplest ways to prioritise your health – we hope our staff will spread the message and encourage their friends, family, neighbours, and colleagues to measure their blood pressure, too.”

Know Your Numbers at Torridge District Council
Know Your Numbers at Torridge District Council
Know Your Numbers at Torridge District Council
Know Your Numbers at Torridge District Council