Pruning your peace lily is essential for healthy growth(Image: Getty)

Make your peace lily 'vibrant and flourishing' by carrying out 10-minute task

Taking care of your peace lily doesn't need to be a time-consuming task, as one expert has lifted the lid on how to make it thrive.

by · DevonLive

Peace lilies, while known for their easy-going nature as houseplants, can sometimes be stubborn bloomers without proper pruning.

As they grow, peace lilies may become dense and start to expend too much energy on old blooms, but by trimming away dead foliage, you redirect that energy into fostering new growth, resulting in healthier flowers.

Matt Slaymaker, a plant specialist from Lively Root, has shared his insights on the optimal way to prune a peace lily to ensure you can admire its "gorgeous white blooms" for much longer, reports the Express.

He said: "Trimming it will maintain its overall health and aesthetics, besides encouraging new growth. In addition, trimming any yellow or damaged leaves prevents energy waste and directs nutrients to the healthy parts of the plant."

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How to prune a peace lily

What you'll need:

  • Gloves
  • Cotton cloth
  • Hand pruning shears
  • Ethanol or isopropyl alcohol (for sterilisation)

The process:

When your peace lily looks overly bushy, shows slow growth, has damaged leaves, or is burdened with too many spent blooms, it's time to prune. Start by sanitising your pruning shears with alcohol to sterilise them, preventing the spread of common plant diseases through fresh cuts.

Then, use the shears to snip off any wilted, faded, brown, or dried-up flowers from the peace lily, which is crucial for promoting new blooms. Also, cut back any leaves or stalks that seem wilted, weak, damaged, or have yellow or brown tips to keep the plant "fresh and healthy."

Pruning your peace lily will help to keep it in the best condition(Image: Getty)

Matt said: "To avoid spreading any potential pathogens, ensure to wipe your shears with a cloth dipped in alcohol. Also, it's a good idea to wear gloves for your own safety, as the sap can be irritating to the skin."

Then simply dampen a clean cotton cloth and gently use it to wipe the peace lily leaves, removing any dust accumulation.

Caring for a peace lily post-pruning involves placing the plant in partial shade, away from direct sunlight on a windowsill, which could scorch the plant and cause significant damage.

It's recommended to water the peace lily a few days after pruning, rather than immediately, to allow the plant some time to heal. A top tip for post-pruning care is to apply a horticultural pruning seal to the fresh cuts, which helps prevent infection from fungal diseases.

Peace lilies are relatively easy to look after, making them the ideal plant for beginners(Image: Getty)

Regular monitoring and attentive care of a peace lily following pruning will help the plant recover robustly, often resulting in healthier growth and more vibrant flowers.

Matt added: "Pruning your peace lily is a simple yet essential task to stimulate its overall health and encourage new growth.

"By removing dead or damaged leaves, maintaining a tidy appearance, and periodically dividing the plant, you can guarantee a vibrant and flourishing peace lily in your indoor or outdoor space."

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