He has been getting revenge over 10 years (stock)(Image: Getty)

Man hatches sneaky 10-year revenge plan on neighbour who blocked planning permission

A man has been praised for his 'savage' revenge on a neighbour who blocked his planning permission - but some have questioned whether it was worth it in the end

by · Irish Mirror

A man has been commended for his ingenious revenge on a neighbour who blocked his planning permission to extend his house.

The neighbour had objected to the extension, claiming it would block their sunlight, but the man found a clever way to exact revenge over a 10-year period.

He planted a row of small trees, which eventually grew taller than his house and effectively blocked the sunlight to his neighbour's property.

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The man's child shared the story on Reddit, saying: "When I was young my father applied for planning permission to build an extension but it was opposed by a neighbour and their excuse was that it would block the sunlight to their property."

The Redditor explained how their father planted the trees, which resembled Christmas trees, and waited patiently as they grew. The neighbour never commented on the situation, seemingly unaware of the deliberate move.

My dads decade long revenge plan
byu/latheredtransfer inpettyrevenge

Many Reddit users praised the man's slow-burning revenge, while others jokingly suggested he reapply for planning permission now that sunlight is no longer an issue.

One user quipped: "I bet seeing those trees growing year by year sure made dad's coffee taste better in the morning." Another user added: "Apply to build the extension again. No reasonable grounds to deny now."

One user praised the father's method, commenting: "Slow and steady wins the revenge! Well played, dad! " Another chimed in with a cheeky suggestion: "Now build a treehouse to block their view of the sky."

Yet, another user suggested that the neighbour might actually prefer the natural view, stating: "I bet it was never really about the light. That was just the excuse neighbour used so they wouldn't have to look at whatever monstrosity dad wanted to build."

They added a critical perspective on home extensions, writing: "Let's face it, most extensions on homes look ugly unless you pay to get a good architect who really knows what they're doing to integrate it more seamlessly into the existing design of the house. Dad's been stewing in his bitterness and wasted who knows how much time and money cultivating these trees, and neighbour probably doesn't care or possibly even likes the trees."

So what do you make of the petty payback? Don't forget to leave us your thoughts in the comments section down below.

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