Dunedin students take part in neighbourhood clean-up in Sophia Crestani's memory

A previous clean-up in Sophia Crestani's honour.Photo: RNZ / Tim Brown

North Dunedin students are pitching in to clean up their neighbourhood in memory of Sophia Crestani.

The 19-year-old died five years ago at an overcrowded Dunedin student party in October 2019.

This week, a coroner found her death was a tragic but likely preventable accident.

Sophia Crestani.Photo: Facebook

The biannual event is organised by Hold On To Your Friends, which said the clean-up is in honour of Crestani.

Organisers said it was a chance to connect with their community and look after their neighbourhood.

The clean-up runs until 2pm with bins and food available from the Marsh Study Centre.