Students are escorted from the school. Photo: Stephen Jaquiery

Teen in court over Bayfield school threat

by · Otago Daily Times Online News

A teenager has appeared in court charged with threatening to kill people at Bayfield High School.

The school was evacuated and locked down on Tuesday after an emailed threat.

The alleged offender, a 16-year-old male, appeared in the Dunedin Youth Court today facing one charge of threatening to kill.

As requested by youth advocate Louise Garthwaite, Judge Dominic Flatley remanded him without plea for a further youth court appearance on October 7. 

The formal wording of the charge against him is of threatening to kill persons at Bayfield High School, Dunedin, on September 24. 

The charge carries a maximum penalty of seven years' imprisonment. 

Bail conditions are to reside at a specified address, curfewed daily between 7pm and 7am.

He is also not to consume alcohol, not to consume or possess drugs (other than prescribed or legal drugs), not to threaten or use violence against any person or property, not communicate with Bayfield High School or any other school in New Zealand (including teachers and staff), and not to use any internet-capable device.