Dundee abuser who put girlfriend in sleeper hold until she blacked out was ‘only mucking about’

by · The Courier

A domestic thug who put his girlfriend in a sleeper hold until she blacked out said he was “only mucking about”.

John Tierney’s victim fell unconscious for several minutes after he seized her by the neck “out of nowhere” in the kitchen of her Dundee home.

The 36-year-old was told he was lucky not to be facing a murder charge.

Tierney appeared at Perth Sheriff Court and pled guilty to engaging in a course of abusive behaviour between March 1 and August 31 2023.

He accessed his then partner’s bank account without her permission, threatened to kill her, demanded money from her and seized and compressed her neck until she passed out, the court heard.

Threat to ‘snap woman in two’

Fiscal depute Lee Corr said Tierney had been in an on-off relationship with the complainer for about a year-and-a-half.

He said as time went on, the accused became more and more argumentative.

“He began to get in her face during these arguments,” Mr Corr said.

“At the beginning of June last year, the complainer informed the accused that she was ending the relationship.

“After this, they slept in separate bedrooms, but at the same property because the accused did not have his own address.”

The court heard that Tierney made threats to kill his partner and “snap her in two”.

“On June 28, the complainer was in her kitchen with the accused.

“Out of nowhere, the accused grabbed her and placed her in a sleeper hold which caused her to become unconscious for a few minutes.

“On coming to, she remembers the accused being repeatedly apologetic.”

He told her he “didn’t mean it” and was just “mucking about”.

Struggled over ‘sentimental’ air guns

On July 3 2023, police were contacted when Tierney turned up at the Finlarig Terrace property “under the influence,” and refused to leave.

Tierney could be heard in the background of the call demanding his “f***ing money”.

When officers arrived, they saw him standing outside with a suitcase and a holdall.

Later, he went back into the house and began asking for his guns.

The complainer shouted: “He’s in the f***ing house,” before she ran downstairs.

Tierney followed, calling her a “f***ing rat”.

Perth Sheriff Court.

A further 999 call was made by a child at the property.

Tierney grabbed an air rifle when he was asked to leave.

“In fear that the accused was going to shoot her or the child, the complainer grabbed the rifle by the barrel. A struggle ensued,” said Mr Corr.

“The accused pulled the air rifle free and exited the locus.

“He was seen to pick up another air rifle, which was lying in the front garden, before walking out of sight.”

The court heard Tierney breached bail conditions three times and assaulted a police officer by attempting to headbutt him on November 11 2023 when he returned to his ex’s home.

He also admitted possession of air weapons on July 3 2023.

Could have been a murder charge

Solicitor Gary Foulis, defending, said: “Mr Tierney appreciates that this was a significant course of behaviour.

“This was a toxic relationship, with both parties using illicit substances. Crack cocaine, I believe.

“But he does accept that does not excuse his actions.”

Mr Foulis said that after putting the woman in a sleeper hold, Tierney “immediately regretted his actions.”

“He apologised and explained he was only mucking about,” he said.

The guns were of sentimental value and belonged to Tierney’s grandfather, the solicitor added.

The court heard that Tierney has already spent the equivalent of a near-two year sentence on remand.

Sheriff Alison McKay deferred sentence for background reports.

She told Tierney: “What causes me most concern is this reference to the complainer losing consciousness.

“You may feel you have been in custody for a long time because of this, but you are actually quite lucky you are not on a murder charge.

“You would have had absolutely no control over how the complainer was going to react and whether or not she was going to regain consciousness.”

Tierney was refused bail and will be kept locked up until sentencing on November 20.

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