Predator guilty of raping girl in Dundee flat

by · The Courier

A predator who sexually assaulted and raped an underage girl while she cuddled her toy panda is facing a lengthy jail sentence.

Craig Brett, 50, attacked the teenager at a flat in Dundee after telling her she had to be “a good girl” despite the victim pleading with him not to do it.

Brett made the 15-year-old wear white stiletto heeled shoes and licked her feet during the ordeal.

He denied attacking the girl but was convicted of abducting, sexually assaulting and raping her between July 16 and 18 in 2021 at the flat.

Brett prevented her leaving the address after threatening to harm her and took her phone and tablet to prevent her seeking help.

He seized her hand and led her to a bedroom at the property where the assault on the teenager began.

Failed to appear at trial

Brett denied a series of charges during a trial at the High Court in Edinburgh but was found guilty of four offences.

A jury unanimously convicted him of raping the girl and also convicted him of sexually assaulting her when she was a younger child at another address in Dundee beginning when she was just aged nine.

He was also found guilty of acting in a threatening or abusive manner at the time of the rape by shouting swearing, threatening to kill her and her family members and to harm her cat.

Brett earlier admitted a further charge of failing to appear for a trial at the High Court in Stirling in January this year.

A warrant was taken for his arrest and he was subsequently remanded in custody to await his trial.

The court heard Brett has previous convictions but they were not for sexual offending.

Judge Alison Stirling placed him on the sex offenders register and said custody was “inevitable” so has sought background reports.

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