Raging Perth landlord told tenants ‘I’ll burn this house down’

by · The Courier

A Perth landlord has appeared in court after he threatened to burn down his tenants’ home in a row caught on their Ring Doorbell camera.

Gurcharan Singh flew into a rage after learning the couple renting his two-bedroom bungalow in Goodlyburn Place had applied for council housing.

The pensioner turned up on their doorstep and told them: “I’ll burn this house down, I’ll punch your face.”

Singh, 66, appeared at Perth Sheriff Court and admitted behaving in a threatening or abusive manner, likely to cause fear or alarm, on September 1.

The court heard his conviction may impact his ability to continue renting out properties.

Confrontation caught on camera

Prosecutor Elizabeth Hodgson said Stuart Oliphant and Michelle Grant had entered into a tenancy agreement with Singh and agreed to pay £500 a month in cash to live at the property.

Ms Hodgson said the rent was later increased to £575.

“The complainers were at the locus when they heard their Ring Doorbell alarm,” she said.

Perth landlord Gurcharan Singh appeared at Perth Sheriff Court.

“They went to the door and engaged in conversation.

“However, the accused was confrontational.”

Ms Grant was so concerned she began filming the exchange.

“The accused questioned them about their application for council housing,” the fiscal depute said.

Singh became angry and aggressive and was recorded making the threats.

“Alarmed by his behaviour, the complainers contacted police,” Ms Hodgson said.

The Ring Doorbell footage and phone recording was handed to police.

‘A gross breach of trust’

Sheriff Alison McKay deferred sentence to check on how the conviction will affect Singh’s status – if any – on the local authority landlord register.

She said: “On the face of it, Mr Singh is a first offender but this is a serious matter.”

She told him: “To some extent, when you are a landlord you are put in a position of trust.

“To be attending at the door of your tenants and threatening to assault them and burn the house down seems to be a gross breach of that trust.

“I am not prepared to deal with this matter until there are further investigations into that issue.”

Singh, of Edinburgh Road, will be sentenced in November.

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