VIDEO: Air ambulance called to Forfar rugby match as injured Dunfermline teen taken to hospital

by · The Courier

An air ambulance was called to a Forfar sports ground after a teen suffered an injury in a rugby match.

Footage taken by Strathmore Rugby Club shows Scotland’s Charity Air Ambulance (SCAA) leaving Inchmacoble Park at around 2pm on Saturday.

The youngster, who was playing for Dunfermline under-18s, picked up an injury with around five minutes to play.

Spectators watch as the air ambulance leaves Forfar’s Inchmacoble Park .Image: Strathmore Rugby Club

Spectators and teammates watched as an air ambulance touched down on the turf.

The youth was treated for a neck and spinal injury by medics.

He was transported to hospital by a road ambulance.

Injured Dunfermline youth taken to hospital after Forfar rugby injury

The under-18s clash between Strathmore and Dunfermline was a warm-up for the home side’s national 4 league encounter against Linlithgow.

A spokesperson for Strathmore RFC said: “The injury happened with about five minutes to play.

“The ambulance arrived very quickly and had to wait on a helicopter with a doctor for a wee while.

“It was all done and dusted within an hour – it was a very slick operation.”

The injured teen was taken to hospital by road ambulance. Image: Strathmore Rugby Club

The rugby club spokesperson was impressed with the SCAA‘s professionalism.

“We are a family-values-driven club and are obviously quite concerned – safety around young people is paramount,” they added.

“Although the helicopter attended the young lad was taken away in the ambulance with the paramedics who first attended.

“The helicopter from the SCAA was amazing to watch and acted with clinical professionalism.

“Some of our hospitality raffle money will be forwarded as a show of respect for the way they conducted their business.”

A Dunfermline RFC spokesperson said: “A boy got taken away in an ambulance and as far as we know he is fine.”

The Courier has asked SCAA for comment.