Jail for Dundee abuser caught with ‘formidable’ zombie knife

by · The Courier

A domestic abuser caught with a “formidable” zombie knife in a Dundee multi has been hit with a hefty jail term.

Repeat offender Bradley Forsyth was locked up after he admitted a string of offences ranging from threatening to murder his ex-partner to car thefts and driving while disqualified.

Forsyth’s substance misuse was blamed for various crimes at addresses in Dundee between November 2023 and May this year.

Sheriff Alastair Carmichael told Forsyth: “A custodial sentence is required, as you know.

“I think your substance addictions are making you do daft things but the trouble is, they are not only daft but they are providing a danger to the public and that can’t be tolerated.”

Sinister voice note

Dundee Sheriff Court heard Forsyth stole a van on November 16 2023 before being found driving unfit through drink or drugs.

Staff at a convenience store followed and filmed Forsyth driving erratically with the hazard lights on.

Bradley Forsyth appeared at Dundee Sheriff Court.

Police caught up with Forsyth, 33, who was so intoxicated that he was unable to provide a specimen of breath.

He had been released on bail on September 25 2023 with conditions not to contact his former partner.

However, the lout left the woman a sinister voice note while under the influence of drugs.

During the message, he said: “You’re a scumbag. I’ll breach bail to murder you or knock you out.”

Blade shown to sheriff

On May 6, people living in an Elders Court flat contacted police after their CCTV camera kept notifying them of movement at around 6am.

Prosecutor Joanne Ritchie said: “The accused and another person were at the front door of a property at 6am trying to speak to an occupier.

“The accused had a large zombie knife in his hand and was traced on the ground floor.”

A zombie knife similar to the one shown in court.

The lethal weapon – 60cm in length with a 43cm blade – was shown to Sheriff Carmichael in court.

Zombie knives are so-called because they are ornate “statement” weapons over eight inches in length, inspired by horror films and TV shows like the Walking Dead.

Forsyth, a prisoner at HMP Perth, was also in breach of a curfew which was imposed three days earlier at Dundee Sheriff Court.

He pled guilty to 10 charges of stealing two cars, driving while disqualified and uninsured, driving unfit through drink or drugs, leaving his ex-partner an abusive voice message, possessing a knife and breaching bail.

Keen to clear slate

In August, Forsyth was locked up for 16 months for his part in a violent robbery in Arbroath.

Defence solicitor Kevin Hampton said: “He was at great pains to clear the slate and get a disposal today.”

Mr Hampton said Forsyth was struggling with addiction problems at the time of the offences.

Dundee Sheriff Court

Referring to the incident with the zombie knife, which he described as “formidable”, the lawyer said: “He had gone to purchase drugs and in the course of the conversation, he was handed this item by another individual to take to another flat to sell it to buy drugs.

“He thinks he had it for 20 minutes but notwithstanding that he’s in the public area of a multi-storey block.”

Sheriff Carmichael sentenced Forsyth to 43 months in prison, banned him from driving for 20 months and imposed a three-year non-harassment order.

The prison sentence was backdated to May.

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