Kirkcaldy flasher jailed for seven-year terror campaign

by · The Courier

A Kirkcaldy flasher has been jailed for carrying out a “depraved and sinister” seven-year campaign against young girls.

Gavin Morrison, 44, exposed himself in front of girls as young as six.

He was finally caught after targeting two youngsters in an alleyway near St Kilda Crescent in October 2022.

The incident was the breakthrough moment in a major police operation – named Operation Lazuril.

Police were able to identify his car and link him to string of offences dating back to 2015.

Officers scoured hours of CCTV footage and used mobile phone positioning technology to prove beyond doubt Morrison was their man.

Gavin Morrison: Image: Police Scotland.

At Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court Sheriff James Williamson, who presided over the trial, told him there was no alternative to a custodial sentence.

He said: “After eight days of evidence, the jury convicted you of serious offences against female children.

“It’s been characterised as flashing.

“I think that’s an unfortunate term – it reduces the true nature of this offending, which has been depraved and sinister.

“You were a menace in your community.

“This was not random, they were planned and executed with care.

“The damage your behaviour caused was all too apparent when you gave evidence.

“You added to the damage by taking it to trial and subjecting them to cross examination.

“One feature was your arrogance, which continues.”

“I think (flashing) an unfortunate term – it reduces the true nature of this offending, which has been depraved and sinister.”
– Sheriff James Williamson

Defence agent Lewis Kennedy said Morrison continues to deny the offences.

He said his client’s marriage had broken down in the wake of his conviction and he has lost his job.

A social work report placed Morrison at a “moderate risk” reoffending.

Sheriff Williamson jailed him for two years, followed by a further 18 months extended sentence in the community and placed him on the sex offenders register.

Lengthy trial

Morrison was found guilty of all 10 charges he faced at a trial in August.

There were 16 named victims, with the offences taking place in Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath from 2015 until October 2022.

Morrison of Kirkcaldy, exposed his penis and masturbated in front of victims.

The court heard from one witness who managed to film Morrison as he walked naked except for a “balaclava” at Rabbit Braes in July 2020.

The short piece of footage was captured by a 15-year-old as she picnicked with a friend.

Witnesses were terrorised by Morrison at Rabbit Braes, Kirkcaldy. Image: DC Thomson

Another victim told how Morrison had turned on her and her friends after she shouted at him for chasing children at Rabbit Braes on Halloween 2018.

The girls fled to a relatives house after noticing Morrison had his trousers around his ankles.

In a separate incident in Cowdenbeath, Morrison was captured on CCTV following a girl home from youth club, his penis visible from the fly of his trousers.

Recorded interviews with two young girls were played to the court, in which they described trying to shield a six-year-old girl from seeing Morrison’s exposed genitals.

Gavin Morrison.

Giving evidence in his own defence, Morrison claimed he was elsewhere during at least two of the offences.

See here for the full list of charges.

‘Predatory sexual offender’

Detective Constable Carol Fraser at Glenrothes said: “Gavin Morrison is a predatory sexual offender who preyed on young females whilst they were walking or playing in their local communities.

“He has shown no remorse for his deplorable actions that were committed over a period between 2015 and 2022.

DS Michael Hogg, DC Carol Fraser, DC Martin Ronald and DI Sammi Davidson, the investigative team that spent more than two years bringing Morrison to justice. Image: Kim Cessford/ DC Thomson

“I would like to thank those involved for their strength in coming forward during this investigation and criminal trial. I hope the conviction and sentencing provides them with some sense of closure and allows them to move on from this horrendous ordeal.”

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