Perth prisoner exposed himself to nurses after hot custard scalding

by · The Courier

A Perth prisoner exposed himself to two nurses after he scalded himself with hot custard.

Ryan Maich pulled down his boxer shorts while he was being treated for burns in his cell at HMP Perth.

The 29-year-old, serving a 40-month sentence for housebreaking, faced an allegation of intentionally exposing his genitals in a sexual manner on November 28 last year.

He appeared at Perth Sheriff Court and pled guilty to an alternative, non-sexual charge of behaving in a threatening or abusive manner likely to cause fear or alarm.

The court heard he had been refused early release because of the pending allegation.

His jail time was extended by a further two-and-a-half months.

‘Rude and aggressive’

Prosecutor Stuart Duncan said Maich, from Dundee, appeared on the first level landing of C-Hall at 4.25pm, complaining he had scalded himself with custard.

“He was requesting for nurses to attend at his cell,” he said.

The health workers went to his room, where he was standing topless, spattered with custard and with a visible injury on his chest.

“The nurses started to treat his injuries with water,” Mr Duncan said.

“The accused was being rude and aggressive.

“He spoke about other interactions he had had with health staff.

“He was told that they were only there to treat his injuries.”

Without warning, Maich pulled down his trousers and boxer shorts exposing his penis, Mr Duncan said.

Due for home curfew

Maich was jailed at Dunfermline Sheriff Court on September 11 last year.

Solicitor David Sinclair, defending, said: “At the time he was distress and agitated.

“He wasn’t thinking clearly or thinking about others.”

He said his client believed he may have also been injured below the waist.

“In the clear light of day, he understands the position that he placed other people in.”

HMP Perth. Image: DCT Media

The court heard Maich was due for release in May next year.

“He is very anxious to avoid an extension to his sentence,” said Mr Sinclair.

“He has already been refused early release and a home detention curfew because he had, at that stage, an outstanding sexual offence charge.”

He said because Maich no longer faces the sex offence, he could re-apply.

“It will be a matter for the prison estate whether he is now suitable or not,” the solicitor said.

Sheriff William Gilchrist told Maich: “Clearly these nurses were simply doing their job.

“They should not have to put up with that sort of behaviour.”

He jailed Maich for an extra 12 weeks.

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