Domestic brute drove home drunk from Perth court after downing two litres of vodka

by · The Courier

A serial domestic brute drove home drunk from court after downing two litres of vodka.

Poitr Danowski appeared in the dock and admitted two “very distressing” assaults on his ex-partner.

Danowski further pled guilty to drink-driving following an earlier court appearance in July.

Perth Sheriff Court heard the 43-year-old had moved to Scotland after serving a three-and-a-half year jail sentence for similar offending in Poland.

He was spared jail but ordered to stay away from his ex for a year.

Victim seen cowering on floor

Prosecutor Stephanie Paterson said Danowski has been in a relationship with his victim for two-and-a-half years.

On the evening of March 31 this year, the pair got into an argument about his alcohol consumption and treatment of her at their home in Perth.

Ms Paterson said: “It continued for about 45 minutes and was overheard by another person.

“They heard the complainer screaming.”

The girlfriend tried to leave the property but “he blocked her from leaving” the fiscal depute said.

“The accused then punched her multiple times to the right side of her head.

“This caused her to fall to the floor.

“She was seen by someone else in the property to be on her knees, with both arms up to protect her head.

“The accused was standing over her, shouting.”

Struck girlfriend with door

At about 6pm on June 7, the woman was at home when Danoswki – now living at a different address – let himself in through her unlocked door.

Under the influence of alcohol, began arguing then punched her in the face.

As he left, he punched the bedroom door causing it to fly open and strike her.

“The accused then fled from the locus,” the fiscal depute said.

“The complainer was seen to be visibly upset with fresh reddening to her face.

“She hit her domestic abuse alarm. The operator heard the sounds of a distressed female crying.”

‘Horrendous’ pattern of behaviour

Danowski appeared in court in connection with the domestic matters on July 4 and police were told he was under the influence of alcohol.

A short time later, police stopped his Peugeot 2008 on Jeanfield Road and he failed a breath test

He admitted driving with excess alcohol (33mics/ 22).

Solicitor Ross Donnelly, defending, said: “Quite frankly, Mr Donnelly has a difficulty with alcohol – particularly in times of stress.

“He tells me he had consumed something in the region of two litres of vodka during the night and into the morning, before he was due to appear in court.

“He had not consumed any alcohol immediately prior to his appearance but such was the volume that he had taken he was still over the limit.”

He added: “There is a horrendous theme of patterns repeating themselves here.”

The relationship had been going well, Mr Donnelly said, until earlier this year when his client lost his job and faced such serious financial problems, they had to take on a lodger.

No further jail time

Sheriff Neil Kinnear told Danowski: “You come before the court with three different matters, including two for domestic violence.

“You also have a conviction from Poland for a domestic matter, for which you were imprisoned for three-and-a-half years.

“That is obviously a concern and your solicitor rightfully recognises that, given that background, the court will be considering custody as a distinct possibility.”

He added: “Fortunately your ex-partner did not require medical treatment, though this would have been painful, upsetting and very distressing for her.

“I am persuaded, on balance, that custody is not the best solution here.”

Danowski, of Campsie Road, Perth, was placed on supervision for 18 months and must engage with an alcohol counselling programme.

He was further ordered to complete 200 hours of unpaid work and banned from driving for a year.

The sheriff also issued a 12-month non-harassment order.

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