Fife roads menace receives prison term and ANOTHER lifetime ban

by · The Courier

A roads menace who crashed a Range Rover at a Fife roundabout while intoxicated has been given a lifetime ban and sent to prison.

Jamie Mullan, 43, has a lengthy record for driving offences and is already banned from the road for life.

He was seen running to Rosyth train station after the one-car collision at Queensferry Road on July 16 this year.

Mullan appeared at Dunfermline Sheriff Court by video link to prison to plead guilty to dangerous driving.

While under the influence of alcohol or controlled drugs he drove at excessive speed, failed to slow sufficiently to negotiate a roundabout and collided with and damaged railings.

He also admitted driving while disqualified and without insurance.


The court heard that around 6.30am Mullan was being served by a worker at a Co-op in Castlandhill Road who believed he was under the influence.

A customer spotted him getting into the driver’s seat of a car.

At around 7am, police were contacted by a member of the public concerned a male was driving a Range Rover under the influence.

A man walking in the area of Queensferry Road then saw the Range Rover travelling north at speed and watched it slam on the brakes as it approached a roundabout.

The vehicle skidded and crashed through the railing on the roundabout, causing airbags to deploy and damaging the front of the car.

Three people – two men and a woman – left the car and appeared stunned but “not overly concerned,” the court heard.

They made their way on foot towards Rosyth train station.

Police received five separate phone calls reporting the incident.

When two constables arrived on scene, a witness told them the trio had since left the train station and taken a number 19 bus.

The officers caught up with them on Castlandhill Road and all were arrested. Only Mullan was charged.

Another ban

When later asked by police to identify the driver of the Range Rover, he answered “cannae’ mind”.

Police checks confirmed he had been disqualified from driving.

Sheriff Krista Johnston jailed Mullan for 16 months plus 80 days (for a previous unexpired sentence) and gave him another lifetime driving ban.

Mullan received his first driving ban prior to 1999, when first convicted for driving while disqualified.

He received his first lifetime ban in 2003.

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