Arbroath dealer caught smuggling drugs into Perth Prison inside her bra

by · The Courier

A woman who smuggled drugs into maximum security Perth Prison inside her bra was spared being jailed herself.

Repeat offender Gillian Smith was spotted by staff delivering a package to prisoner John Rae during visiting hours.

The illicit parcel contained a mobile phone, cannabis and liquid cannabinoid THC.

The 39-year-old, who was previously caught by police with heroin in her pants, was remanded last month after pleading guilty to bringing contraband into the jail and supplying drugs to Mr Rae on July 5 last year.

Smith, from Arbroath, was placed on a community payback order when she returned to Perth Sheriff Court for sentencing.

Caught on camera

The court heard how staff thought Smith was acting suspiciously at the Edinburgh Road jail while visiting visit Mr Rae so guards kept a close watch on her through CCTV.

At about 3pm, she was seen removing the package from her bra before approaching the prisoner and hugging him.

She then placed the parcel down the back of his shirt and tucked it into his waistband.

Perth Prison

Staff asked him to hand over the package, which he did without hesitation.

When she was detained by prison officers, Smith was upfront about what she had done.

The package contained 5.56g of cannabis, worth about £80 in the prison setting and 2.5ml of THC with a value of around £50.

Banned from meeting drug users

Smith already has four previous convictions for drug supply, the court was told.

Solicitor Gary Foulis, defending, said: “She is someone who has been preyed upon by organised criminals.

“It is rather unfortunate that she relapsed and got involved in this situation.”

He said being on remand at HMP Polmont had been very difficult as “she has been subjected to comments and bullying”.

Mr Foulis urged the court not to send her back to jail.

Perth Sheriff Court.

Sheriff Jennifer Bain KC told Smith: “When I was considering your case before coming into court, custody was at the forefront of my mind but I have taken account of the positive remarks in your social work report.

“I am narrowly persuaded not to impose a custodial sentence.”

Smith will be tagged as part of a six-month curfew order and must stay at home between 7am and 7pm.

Smith is also on supervision with a conduct requirement stipulating she must not associate with known drug users.

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