Last chance for Angus kickboxer over life-endangering party attack

by · The Courier

A kickboxer from Angus who left his victim with life-threatening internal bleeding has been given a last chance to comply with a community order.

Lee Hutchison, of Birkhill, was spared a prison sentence after he admitted rupturing a man’s liver at a 50th birthday party in Monifieth.

Dundee Sheriff Court heard previously Hutchison, 24, turned up uninvited before carrying out the unprovoked attack.

The victim required emergency surgery after being booted while lying on the ground.

Sheriff Paul Brown ordered him to perform 300 hours of unpaid work as part of a community payback order but Hutchison has breached the order.

He was hauled into custody and told to vouch for his work commitments and engagement with addiction services.

Party assault

Describing the attack, fiscal depute Christine Allan said Hutchison took exception to being asked to leave the gathering at 1.30am when it ended and attacked the other man, pushing him over.

He booted his crying victim twice as he lay on the ground.

The court heard Hutchison claimed it was because a comment had been made about someone’s dress but others at the party said they believed this was made up.

The assault victim felt unwell and was extremely pale and shaken by the time he was taken to hospital the next evening.

He was found to have internal bleeding from a ruptured liver.

The court was told Hutchison sent a Snapchat message to the man telling him he was sorry.

Ms Allan said his life had been endangered because he had been at risk of a fatal bleed in the wake of the incident.

New community order

Hutchison previously pled guilty to endangering the man’s life on Fountainbrae, Monifieth, on August 30 2020.

He returned to court last week, having been found in breach of the order earlier this year.

Solicitor John Boyle said his client was engaging with services to treat his drug addiction.

He said: “Were it not for what is described as a marked difference in his commitment to change, I could not have argued against the imposition of a custodial sentence.

“I am asking your lordship to consider a community-based disposal.”

Sheriff Brown told Hutchison: “I am going to revoke the current order and impose a substantial new package.

“This is your last opportunity and it has to be the maximum hours available to me to allow you to move forward.

“You have got clear underlying issues that’s leading you into these situations.”

Hutchison must perform 300 hours of unpaid work and engage with social work department supervision for three years.

He was also made subject to a six-month restriction of liberty order, keeping him indoors between 10pm and 5am.

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