Pair jailed for assault and robbery on passenger at Perth bus station

by · The Courier

A bus passenger was set upon and robbed by two drug-addled thugs moments after disembarking at Perth.

The victim was heard “howling” as attackers Chad Netherington and Anthony Smith dragged him into a darkened area beside the city’s bus station.

Perth Sheriff Court heard the pair were so out of their minds on Valium and alcohol they have no memory of the incident.

Both men lashed out at police as they were arrested, with Netherington managing to slip out of leg restraints and assault an officer as he was transported to police HQ in Dundee.

Smith, 42, and Netherington, 33, admitted assault and robbery at Perth bus station in the early hours of September 12 last year.

Smith further pled guilty to assaulting two officers, and Netherington one.

They were jailed for a combined total of 50 months.

‘Howling and greeting’

Their victim had boarded the Arbroath-Perth coach at about 11pm on September 12 and sat near the front.

His attackers were also on the bus, prosecutor Trina Sinclair said.

“The complainer and both accused departed the bus shortly after it pulled into Perth bus station.

“He was seized by the arm and pulled to the ground.”

Perth bus station, Leonard Street, Perth.

The fiscal depute said: “The complainer felt a strike to his head.

“The accused Netherington then threw an unknown object at the complainer, which struck him on the head.”

The pair seized his mobile phone, tablet and bus pass.

Ms Sinclair said the attack was witnessed and reported by a woman whose balcony overlooks the bus station

the fiscal depute said: “The witness said the complainer was ‘howling and greeting’ as the accused took him behind the trees.”

Police attacked

The two men were found nearby by police and searched.

Netherington had the man’s iPhone and Smith had his tablet.

Smith attacked two officers as he was arrested, kicking one on the leg and the other on the arm.

He made a crude threat to a female officer.

Netherington was led to a separate van.

Ms Sinclair said leg restraints were fitted after he tried to prevent officers putting him in the back of the vehicle but while travelling down the A90, he pulled his legs through his cuffs and managed to remove the restraints.

Smith and Netherington appeared at Perth Sheriff Court.

“He then pulled the laces out of his shoes and began using them as a ligature to his neck,” said Ms Sinclair.

The van was halted and officers called for back-up.

“The accused became significantly more hostile, kicking at the van door to prevent it from closing.

“During the struggle, he grabbed a police constable by the leg and held onto his trousers with his teeth as he attempted to bite his leg.”

Netherington shouted threats to kill the officer and his parents as he banged his head against the door.

When they reached the police station, four officers had to carry Netherington inside, each taking a limb each.

A year in custody

Solicitor Doug McConnell, for Smith, said: “Although this was a very serious incident, thankfully there was no injury to the complainer, nor the police officers.”

He added: “The court will not be surprised to hear that there is a drug issue behind this.

“Mr Smith took Valium that evening and remembers very little about it.

“He knows that custody is inevitable.”

For Netherington, David Holmes said: “He does not remember being involved in this in any way.”

Sheriff Mark Thorley said: “This would have been an extremely frightening experience for the person involved.”

Smith was jailed for 23 months, while Netherington – who was on two bail orders at the time – received a 27 month sentence.

Both sentences were backdated to the time of their arrest in September last year.

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