Liberia: Crisis Deepens in United Methodist Church Over Same-Sex Marriage   - FrontPageAfrica

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Figure 1Since the acceptance of the same-sex marriage by the General Conference in the United States, Bishop Quire of the Liberia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church has come under huge criticism from church members over his refusal to call for a special session.

Monrovia — Tension in the Liberia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church continues to escalate after Bishop Samuel Jerome Quire suspended five pastors who are calling for a special section to allow the church in Liberia decides its position in a new resolution by the global church that allows same-sex marriage in all United Methodist churches. 

By J.H. Webster Clayeh (0886729972)

The delegates from the United Methodist Church’s General Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina, from April 23 to May 3, 2024, voted 692-51 to repeal the church’s longstanding ban on LGBTQ clergy, marking a significant shift in church policy.

Since the acceptance of the same-sex marriage by the General Conference in the United States, Bishop Quire of the Liberia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church has come under huge criticism from church members over his refusal to call for a special session and allow members of the church determine the way forward for the church in Liberia. 

Five Pastors suspended

In the last seven days, Bishop Quire has suspended several pastors from the Seventy Second United Methodist Church, the New Georgia United Methodist Church and other pastors within the Liberia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church who questioned his refusal to call for a special section. 

FrontPage Africa has in its possession copies of several suspension letters dated October 3, 2024 that were signed by Bishop Quire. 

A letter written to Rev. Elijah Dajue, a pastor of ED. McGill United Methodist Church states: “This letter is to inform you officially that you have been placed on Involuntary Leave of Absence. The interim Board of Ordained Ministry cited you to a meeting to respond to complaints, and allegations levelled against you. Not only did you out rightly refuse to attend to the call but you also challenged and blatantly ignored the authority of the board, and by extension, the authority of the one with the power to make such an appointment in the first place. On occasions without number, you continue to make assertions that defame the integrity of the Liberia Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. All of these acts on your part run contrary to the order, and discipline of the United Methodist Church, and undermine the ministry of the bishop, and the church. In consideration of the above and many more, you are hereby and forthwith placed on involuntary leave of absence. This means you are suspended from all ministerial functions including teaching, preaching, counseling, administering, etc. within the United Methodist Church as of the date of this letter. This leave of absence will provide you the opportunity to reflect soberly as we discern God’s purpose and direction for our common ministry within The United Methodist Church.”

Members Protest Bishop Quire’s Decision to Suspend Several Pastors 

On October 13, 2024, members of both the Seventy Second United Methodist Church and the New Georgia United Methodist Church protested during the worship hours to reject Bishop Quire’s action to suspend their pastors. 

Rev. Leo T. Mayson is the pastor of the New Georgia United Methodist Church. He was celebrated by members of the church for his critical stance against homosexuality and his call for Bishop Quire to organize a special section. 

The members of the church are opposed to the Bishop’s action of having Pastor Mayson replaced by another Pastor based on his critical stance.

Also, Rev. Kenneth C. Jackson is the senior pastor of Seventy Second United Methodist Church. He has also been suspended by Bishop Quire. However, members of his church are unwilling to let him go and have promised to chase anyone out who will come to replace him.

During the worship service, Rev. Jackson said the issue about the same-sex marriage does not pose threats only to the Liberia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, but other churches as well.

Rev. Jackson told his congregation that Bishop Quire on several occasions has reportedly sent someone to kill him because of his stance against same-sex marriage. 

“Bishop Quire has sent someone to attack me because I’m standing against his regionalization and same-sex marriage. I was attacked and I want the world to know that if anything happens to my family and myself, Bishop Quire is responsible,” Rev. Jackson said.

He informed his church members that the bishop has been exposed and needs to repent from what he termed as an “ungodly behavior”. 

“I have been liberated and set free for this time and season to redeem Seventy Second United Methodist from Bishop Quire. Seventy Second United Methodist Church will never go Bishop Quire’s way.

Bishop Quire wants to lead us to go to hell,” Rev. Jackson declared. 

Seventy Second United Methodist Church Calls on Bishop Quire to Reinstates Suspended Pastors 

Reading the position note, the Seventy Second United Methodist called on Bishop Quire to call back every pastor he has suspended. 

The Seventy Second United Methodist Church added: “Your recent actions to suspend some of our pastors from their pastoral functions, dismiss and send some of our young and energetic pastors on the illegal “Involuntary leave of absence” because they disagree with your decision to support same-sex marriage, and LGBTQ persons as pastors, leaders and bishops within our church is wrong.”

The church added: “We take serious exception. We call upon you to reinstate all of them, and endeavor to maintain the peace as the shepherd of God’s flock entrusted to your care.”

According to the church, even though Bishop Quire claimed that the Liberia Annual Conference will not practice

same-sex, the church is deeply concerned that he is taking upon himself authorities of the Liberia Annual Conference and has refused for church members to decide a matter that borders around their Christian faith.

“With all due respect, to you and the honorable office you occupy as the Resident Bishop of our church, we are troubled that you are threading a very dangerous spiritual path that has the propensity to disintegrate the Liberia Annual Conference. You are not a member of our Annual Conference. You should not be making decisions for the Liberia Annual Conference, The United Methodist Church,” the church says.

The church added: “Our Senior Pastor, Rev. Kenneth C. Jackson has informed us that you have added him on your list of pastors you are suspending from local churches with involuntary leave. We want to inform you, Bishop Quire, we reject your decision. We are prepared to resist your decision, until the Liberia Annual Conference can meet to amicably resolve the current impasse within our church regarding the unchristian, and unorthodox

decisions that the worldwide UMC took to become a gay denomination. We refuse to sacrifice our Christian faith on the altar of ungodly and sinful

practices in the church.”