Daycare wants to expand

by · Castanet
The proposed location of the Sagebrush daycare expansion.Photo: City of Kamloops

A proposal to rezone a Sagebrush property to allow for the expansion of a commercial daycare facility will be going to a public hearing.

Kamloops council voted in favour of moving the rezoning application for 1510 Ninth Ave. to the next step during its Tuesday meeting.

Children’s Circle Daycare Society operates a childcare facility on an adjacent property, and intends to expend its operations if the proposal moves ahead.

“If approved, the project could permit up to 154 additional children and provide additional group care spaces in the 0-18 month, 30 month-school age and school-age categories,” said a staff report prepared for council.

“The applicant has indicated the future daycare facility would be similar in size and scope to the existing commercial daycare at 1500 Ninth Ave.”

Daycare touts demand

In a news release early September, the Children’s Circle Daycare Society noted there is a large demand in the community for high-quality childcare, underscored by its 800-person waitlist.

The society said the proposed expansion, being pursued in partnership with the Royal Inland Hospital Foundation, seeks to “substantially increase the availability of childcare spaces in the city for both healthcare professionals and the broader community.”

In a statement, Heidi Coleman, RIH Foundation CEO, said access to quality childcare is essential for healthcare professionals.

“This expansion is not just about providing more childcare spaces, it’s about ensuring that our healthcare professionals have the support they need to continue delivering critical services to the people of Kamloops, and to attract more doctors, nurses and other professionals that we so desperately need,” she said.

The existing Sagebrush daycare facility came about through a partnership between the Children’s Circle Daycare Society, the City of Kamloops and ARPA Investments, a company owned by real estate developer Joshua Knaak. The parcels were the subject of a land swap deal in 2019 which allowed the society to move its daycare operations into the neighbourhood.

The City of Kamloops staff report said the lot at 1510 Ninth Ave. had initially been earmarked for a 10-unit affordable housing development.

"The owner retained the residential parcel and subsequently transferred the completed daycare facility site to Interior Health Authority who entered into a long-term lease with the Children’s Circle Daycare Society,” the report said.

The report noted the owner has decided against building a residential development, but wants to see the property rezoned in order to permit the daycare expansion.

“The applicant and the society are in ongoing discussions with the Sagebrush Neighbourhood Association about the project," the report said.

In its statement, the daycare society said it will work with neighbours to address traffic-related concerns and other community impacts that may arise through the proposed daycare expansion.

The city staff report noted future area road upgrades include traffic lights at Ninth Avenue and Columbia Street, which will help accommodate the increase in traffic anticipated by the daycare.

Mayor brings up lawsuit

As council prepared to vote, Kamloops Mayor Reid Hamer-Jackson tried to postpone making a decision on the matter.

Hamer-Jackson has filed a defamation lawsuit against Knaak, claiming the developer accused the mayor of groping his wife at a downtown bar.

“I would like to move to postpone this on the agenda until after the court proceedings, the Supreme Court proceeding, or I will have to recuse myself,” Hamer-Jackson said.

No one seconded Hamer-Jackson’s motion. He then recused himself from the vote.

Coun. Mike O’Reilly also recused himself, noting he is on the board of the Children’s Circle Daycare Society.

After the two left the room, the remaining six councillors voted in favour of sending the application to a public hearing.

Coun. Margot Middleton was not at Tuesday’s council meeting due to a previously booked holiday.

City staff noted that in order for the commercial daycare to rise, this rezoning application and a future development permit will need to be approved.

The proposed location of the Sagebrush daycare expansion.Photo: City of Kamloops