24/7 winter shelter?

by · Castanet
Photo: Pixabay stock image

Penticton city council will soon deliberate a proposed Temporary Use Permit for a 24/7 emergency winter shelter this upcoming season.

At the Oct. 1 meeting, council will decide whether to allow the 24/7 shelter will be allowed from November to March at 402 Warren Avenue.

“100 More Homes has been working with BC Housing to secure an appropriate location for the emergency winter shelter to ensure those who are experiencing homelessness have proper care when the temperatures drop and have found a site in the industrial area,” said Blake Laven, the City’s director of development services, in a press release.

“As was done last year, the City of Penticton would lease the space, with BC Housing working with the non-profit society to support the operations of the shelter.”

The location will provide shelter and "other support such as minor health services and referrals to homelessness support programs," according to the press release.

“A review of last year’s shelter statistics illustrated the benefits of connecting staff from non-profits, BC Housing and Interior Health to work with those experiencing homelessness and then connecting them with proper supports,” said Jamie Lloyd-Smith, the city’s social development specialist.

“The recommendation from 100 More Homes and other groups was to provide consistent service delivery for people throughout the winter.”

In 2023/24, the shelter was only activated during periods of extreme cold, and those staying at the shelter had to leave in the day.

“During periods last year where the shelter remained open during the daytime during periods of extreme cold, social support organizations were able to get people into housing by being able to spend some time with shelter guests during the day and not making them leave every morning,” adds Lloyd-Smith.

Hence, the idea to have the 24/7 operation this year.

For more information and a copy of the proposed TUP, click here.