Sewer station generator

by · Castanet
Photo: RDNO

A new generator will be installed at the Mabel Lake Sewer Lift Station to support facility operation during power outages in the coming months.

According to the Regional District of North Okanagan, the Mabel Lake area experiences frequent power outages, which results in effluent at the lift station currently being directed to an overflow chamber that does not have treatment capabilities.

“This improvement project will see the installation of a standby power generator to allow the system to operate during power outages and avoid the need to use the current overflow chamber,” the RDNO said in a press release. “Significant electrical upgrades are also being completed to meet the needs of the generator and bring the electrical up to current code.”

Construction is expected to begin Sept. 23, and be completed by the end of November.

The project is fully funded by the Electoral Area F Community Works Fund, in the amount of $421,000 from the Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF). The CCBF provides predictable, long-term, and stable funding to local governments for infrastructure projects. This program is funded by Infrastructure Canada and administered in British Columbia by the Union of BC Municipalities.

For further information on this project, call 250-550-3700 or email