Help helpers help others

by · Castanet

For years, Gena Barzan has been helping those in need.

She has ventured into disaster zones to deliver animal supplies and for the last few years has operated the Vernon Animal Auxiliary Thrift Store.

But now, Barzan is the one who needs some help.

The store has been hit on multiple fronts including higher operating costs and a dramatic increase in those needing help.

Barzan distributes animal food and supplies from the thrift store, 3100A 29th Ave., and since the closure of the Vernon branch of the BC SPCA and the animal food bank, demand has skyrocketed.

“We used to have maybe three or four a week, now we have three or four a day,” Barzan said.

And on top of the increase in demand, there has been an increase in expenses.

“The Animal Auxiliary was just hit with a substantial, unanticipated retroactive amount owing under our lease for operating costs as well as a large monthly increase going forward. We would like to stress that this is at no fault of our landlord, but rather a drastic hike in operating costs such as property taxes and building maintenance etc. which is part of our lease agreement,” said a post by Barzan on the animal auxiliary Facebook page.

“With the financial strains we have already been under, the Animal Auxiliary simply doesn't have the funds required to pay the amount owing. We are absolutely heartbroken and at a complete loss as we had just finished catching things up with no additional financial reserves. As such, this has put us into the humble position of having to ask the community for your help.”

Barzan said the store has about $4,000 we need to catch up another $400 on top that just for the lease, and that is not the overhead.

"Our overhead is going to be probably close to $4,000 a month now. It's quite a considerable increase.”

To help support the non-profit that operates under the umbrella of Horse Protection Society of BC, monetary donations can be made either in person at the store or via e-transfer to

Chasers Bottle Depot will also accept bottles on behalf of the thrift store – just mention the thrift store when dropping off the bottles and cans.

Gently used or new items can be dropped off at the store which will be sold off the shelves or via the store's online auction.

The store is also holding a bottle drive this Saturday. People drop their donations off at the back door.