There are strong military connections in Plymouth(Image: UK Ministry of Defence)

'Rule change' for armed forces is good news for Plymouth

The government has announced a wider Voter ID review

by · PlymouthLive

The government has backed the armed forces community by allowing HM Armed Forces Veteran Cards to be used as Voter ID in forthcoming elections. The move comes as a wider review of the Voter ID policy takes place.

The government has laid a statutory instrument in Parliament to put the HM Armed Forces Veteran Card on the list of photographic identifications accepted in polling stations as voter ID, in addition to the already accepted MOD 90 ID card. A review of the Voter ID rules is currently underway but while this takes place the government has taken 'immediate steps' to address gaps in the current provision by including the Veteran Card on the list of acceptable IDs.

The Veteran Card is a tangible symbol of veterans’ service and its addition to the list will help around two million veterans to engage in the elections process and exercise their democratic rights, with these changes set to be made in time for the 2025 local elections in May. Alex Norris, minister for elections, said: "No veteran should be turned away from the polling station while trying to use their Veteran Card as voter ID. They are an incredible community who have dedicated their lives to this country, and it is wrong that the exclusion of this Card has been a barrier to their ability to vote.

"That’s why we’re supporting our incredible veterans by expanding the list of voter identifications to include it so they can participate in democracy without the fear of being turned away on election day. We stand behind our veterans and today’s announcement demonstrates that we will meet our manifesto commitment to strengthen support for our armed forces communities. This government is committed to helping veterans to thrive in civilian society, and we are continuing to support our armed forces."

Plymouth MP Luke Pollard also praised the move. He said: "Veterans ID cards have been approved by the Labour Government as valid voter ID. The last Conservative government knew veterans couldn’t use their Veterans ID in elections but failed to act to sort it out. They could have fixed it for the General Election but failed to do so.

"After just 100 or so days in office the new Labour government has announced we are changing the rules so veterans don’t lose out."