Reporter Amy Fenton is not happy with one type of driver on the motorway

The motorway drivers who are even worse than 'the middle-lane morons'

by · Manchester Evening News

There is an even more irritating twerp than the motorway driver who hogs the middle lane - the ones that think it is fine to cruise obliviously in the fast lane.

Whether powered by arrogance, laziness, or an absence of common sense, they fuel road rage in others and present a potential for causing accidents, writes Lancs Live reporter Amy Fenton.

There was no doubt widespread disappointment when the graffiti, daubed on bridges over the motorway in Lancashire, saying 'don't be a middle lane moron' were removed a couple of years ago. The justification in doing so was that they distract drivers, yet the 'official' Matrix signs regularly display similar advice.

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The concept of 'keeping left unless overtaking' is one of the basics when it comes to driving on the motorway. But there are some motorists who are even more clueless than middle-lane morons.

I regularly see vehicles in the far lane (or 'fast' lane as someone will no doubt point out is incorrect terminology) when they couldn't possibly be overtaking.

They're often travelling far in excess of the speed limit and so I can only assume they are doing so out of sheer laziness. They surmise that it's easier to stay in that lane than to keep moving in and out as they race past other motorists.

I have to admit, it's incredibly tempting to position myself in front of one, in order to 'force' them to move left, but the chances are they probably wouldn't even realise they were doing anything wrong in the first place.

A 'far lane moron' as captured on the M6 this week

Laws introduced in 2013 give police officers the power to hand out on-the-spot fines of £100 and three penalty points to anyone who fails to keep left on the motorway. But more considerate drivers will question if this has had any impact as the sight of a middle - or far - lane moron is still a common one.

Laziness is one possible explanation for the proliferation of motorists who don't stay left but another contender is a lack of confidence. If you're too scared to overtake on a motorway then you shouldn't be driving on one.