Lib Dem leader Ed Davey has given Lisa Smart a senior role in the party.

The former Stockport councillors bagging top jobs in Westminster

by · Manchester Evening News

Stockport's MPs have landed top jobs with their political parties in Westminster.

Lisa Smart and Tom Morrison were Stockport councillors a few months ago, but election to Parliament in July has secured a quickfire rise in Ed Davey's leadership team.

Ms Smart, MP for Hazel Grove, is the new Lib Dem home affairs spokesperson, a key post within the party tasked with holding the Home Office to account over its work around the country.

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Cheadle MP Tom Morrison has taken the role of Lib Dem deputy chief whip, working with his colleague Wendy Chamberlain to shepherd MPs during votes and communicate the party's position on major issues.

It follows success for the Lib Dems in Stockport where the party beat the Conservatives and Labour in the Cheadle and Hazel Grove constituencies, and is in control of Stockport council under a minority administration.

Mr Morrison and Ms Smart stepped down from their roles as councillors earlier in September, sparking two by-elections due to be held on October 17.

Meanwhile, Stockport MP Navendu Mishra was announced as parliamentary private secretary to deputy prime minister Angela Rayner in July, with a direct line to one of the most powerful politicians in the country at the moment.

Navendu Mishra was re-elected as Stockport MP in July.

Ms Smart said a focus on "community campaigning" was behind the Lib Dems' success in Hazel Grove and Cheadle.

She told the Local Democracy Reporting Service: "Having been a councillor gives an MP a real familiarity with their community, and I think it’s a real benefit to Parliament to have so many MPs – particularly Liberal Democrats – with that connection. Speaking to Ed Davey, he really values that, and wants me to continue to bring that to my new role in Westminster.

"I would definitely not be in the position I am without having had the experiences I have as a grassroots campaigner in an area like Stockport, where the Liberal Democrats have been able to show their strength in community campaigning.

"I would not have taken on the home affairs spokesperson role if I did not think that I could use it to help more people from our area. It is being able to do more for them which is the most important thing for me."

Mr Morrison added: "Stockport has once again become a beacon of liberalism in Greater Manchester. Our councillors are working hard to deliver for local residents, and their support has been greatly appreciated."