(Image: Manchester Evening News)

Balaclava clad rioter, 13, launched missiles and pushed mates into cops

by · Manchester Evening News

A 13-year-old boy donned a balaclava whilst pushing his mates into cops, walked in the middle of the road and launched missiles at the police during disorder in Newton Heath.

The boy, who cannot be identified because of his age, was one of a large group who attended outside a hotel on Oldham Road on July 31 this year that was believed to be housing asylum seekers.

Disorder and chaos spread across the country after misinformation was spread online as to the identity of a murder suspect after three children were killed in Southport last month.

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Prosecuting, Hannah Nicholls said that on July 31 at around 6pm, a large group of people began to congregate outside the hotel. It became aggressive with the group throwing missiles and chanting racial slurs which caused fear to members of the public, she said.

“He is seen to throw an object in the direction of police officers. He then walks in the middle of the road causing an obstruction to a bus on Oldham Road. The bus then stops before it is attacked,” Ms Nicholls said.

“The defendant is seen wearing a face covering whilst later interrogating officers, telling them: ‘Shut up you, don’t touch my mate’. He then is seen trying to remove their hats whilst pushing other youths into the officers.”

Later he is seen talking to the driver of a black Audi before he is passed a plastic bag. The boy then threw some items at the officers before picking up items from the floor and throwing them towards the police, it was said.

Mitigating, Lucy Astley said that the teen had walked alongside the bus whilst others had kicked and punched it.

District Judge Margaret McCormack said: “Would he be as brave on his own? He is egging others on - it was a tinderbox situation. This is the cowardly actions of those together en masse.”

Police responding to a protest in Newton Heath
(Image: Manchester Evening News)

Ms Astley conceded that he was part of a group but said he ‘completely regrets’ and is ashamed of his actions.

She said of the promising Muay Thai boxer: “He has focused on his training. He comes from a good family home who say this is out of character for him.

“He intended to go out for food with a friend for their birthday but became involved.”

District Judge McCormack interjected: “I have heard all sorts of explanations from these people who just happened to come across what was happening. Who goes out to spend their pocket money with a face covering on?”

She asked the boy if he knew what an asylum seeker was and he shrugged. She also asked him what the phrase ‘far-right’ meant and what had happened in the Southport attack. He again shrugged.

“You went down there like a sheep following them. You wanted to be part of that gang. You’ve got to think what sort of gang you want to be a part of,” she told him.

The boy added: “I regret it and I’m sorry.”

Addressing the boy’s mum, she asked how he behaved at home. “He’s a good lad,” she said. “This is out of character for him.”

The 13-year-old was handed a 12 month referral order and his mum was ordered to pay £150 compensation to the bus driver.

“You dragged your mum to court for this terrible offence. You have got an opportunity to turn this around and make her a son to be proud,” the judge added.