Princess Charlotte on her arrival for her first day of school at Thomas's Battersea in London in 2019
(Image: AFP/Getty Images)

The different name Princess Charlotte goes by at school so she's a 'normal' pupil

by · Manchester Evening News

During the summer holidays, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis enjoyed some quality family time with their parents, William and Kate. But during term-time, the children attend Lambrook School in Berkshire.

Prior to their move to Windsor, both George and Charlotte were students at Thomas's Battersea in south London. Despite their Royal status, insiders reveal that the children are treated just like everyone else as soon as they step through the school gates.

This is something that Kate and William fully endorse, as they're said to be keen for their kids to have as 'normal' a childhood as possible - with the children even going by a different name at school.

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Whilst Princess Charlotte's full name is Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, and her official title is Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Cambridge, both of these are quite lengthy, and it's hard to imagine her peers or teachers using them.

Therefore, she follows in the footsteps of her older brother and other members of her family and uses her parents' title as her surname. As such, she is known as Charlotte Cambridge, reports the Mirror.

Likewise, George is officially known as George Alexander Louis, His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge - but he is commonly referred to as George Cambridge. His father William and uncle Prince Harry adopted the same naming convention, using their father Charles's title - Wales - as their surname.

This name was not only used at school but also during their military careers. However, Charlotte Cambridge isn't the only moniker that has been bestowed upon the six year old over the years.

Princess Charlotte arrives for her first day of school in 2019
(Image: Getty Images)

In a rare family video clip from the Royal Chelsea Flower Show in 2019, her nickname was unveiled. Kate had contributed to the design of a garden for the show, and George, Charlotte and Louis were brought along to inspect it. As Charlotte played on a swing in the garden, William beckoned his daughter over to give him a push.

But instead of calling her 'Charlotte', he affectionately referred to her as 'Mignonette'. The French term is often translated to mean "small, sweet, and delicate" or "cute", with more archaic French meanings indicating it could also signify someone who is gentle and kind. This diverges from Kate's usual alias for her daughter Lottie.

In 2019, while on an official visit to Northern Ireland, the Duchess of Cambridge encountered a mother named Laura-Ann and her young boy. After their interaction, Laura-Ann shared details on Instagram regarding a personal revelation from Kate about her pet name for Princess Charlotte.

She recounted: "She asked how old Bertie is, and I said he is four and she said, 'Oh, he's the same age as Lottie.' She calls her Lottie! ".