Fake tobacco
(Image: Manchester Evening News)

Illegal goods worth £19K seized by trading standards

by · Manchester Evening News

Hundreds of illegal and potentially dangerous vapes and packs of illicit tobacco have been seized in trading standards raids across Wigan. Co-ordinated action over a two-week period through the borough’s Community Safety Partnership seized the £19,000 haul.

Wigan Council Trading Standards and Greater Manchester Police targeted multiple shops last month, including two shops in Wigan town centre, Orrell, and another in Hindley town centre. In addition, GMP impounded a vehicle connected to the activity. Councillor Dane Anderton, portfolio holder for police, crime, and civil contingencies, said: “These seizures are essential in safeguarding our residents, particularly young people, from unscrupulous traders.

“Illegal vapes and tobacco damage our local economy with these businesses not paying tax to fund public services and undercutting the law-abiding shops. While many are aware of the risks associated with smoking, illegal cigarettes are made with no regard to standards, and high levels of nicotine in illegal vapes can increase people’s addiction.”

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The sale of these illegal products makes it easier for children and young people to get hooked on smoking or vaping. The people making money out of this do not care who they sell to. Anyone wishing to report illegal tobacco and vapes or underage sales to Trading Standards issues can ring in confidence 0808 223 1133 or Regulation@wigan.gov.uk