Shawn Seesahai, 19, was murdered by two 12-year-olds(Image: PA)

Shawn Seesahai killers: Sadistic texts between UK's youngest murderers since James Bulger case

The two 12-year-old boys who brutally murdered Shawn Seesahai, 19, exchanged chilling messages on Snapchat after they kicked, punched and savagely knifed him in a park

by · The Mirror

The two 12-year-olds who horrifically stabbed Shawn Seesahai to death casually dismissed the murder on Snapchat.

Shawn, 19, was visiting the UK for eye surgery when he was brutally killed in a random machete attack by violent young boys on November 12, 2023. The youths, who cannot be named for legal reasons, have today been sentenced to eight years and six months in custody at Nottingham Crown Court.

They are believed to be the country's youngest murderers since James Bulger's killers - Jon Venables and Robert Thompson, both aged 10 - took the two-year-old tot's life in February 1993. Shawn was stabbed through the heart at a park in Bilston, West Midlands, and tragically died at the scene.

Addressing the boys, now both aged 13, Justice Tipples said in court: "When you killed Shawn he was 19, starting out on his adult life with everything to live for." She added: "What you both did was horrific and shocking."

Shawn did not know his killers and died in November 2023 after being stabbed in the heart( Image: West Midlands Police / SWNS)
The messages show the exchange between the two youths on Snapchat after the killing( Image: Daily Mirror)

Chilling Snapchat messages exchanged between the 12-year-old killers saw them dismiss the crime after Shawn's death, the court previously heard. One of the murderers laments how "everyone's talking about it, literally everyone, everyone knows". The other shrugs off their concerns with a haunting voice note, saying: "It is what it is."

When the first says they are scared, the other replies with "drc" meaning "don't really care". The first then responds with a voice note saying: "I ain't said nowt (sic) cause every time I talk about it, like I act weird apparently so (inaudible) comes and goes." There is then a response saying: "I'm just scared your you too (sic)."

Shawn, who did not know his killers, was set upon by the youths as he and a friend sat on a bench waiting to meet another pal. The victim, originally from Anguilla but living in Birmingham, had only been in the UK for six months after arriving for eye surgery.

The prosecution alleged the boys acted together in murdering Shawn after one of them "shoulder-brushed" him and told the victim and his friend to "keep stepping". Both were charged with murder after pointing the finger at each other. One youth was seen with blood on his hand and admitted possession of a machete, but denied the attack, while the other denied both.

Shawn's parents and sister have been left heartbroken by his death and travelled from Anguilla to the UK to see justice done for their son at the trial in June. His mother, Maneshwary, said: "Shawn was such a loving son, he was so well-mannered, looked after us, was loving to everyone and very protective.

"He always said he wanted to work, he wanted his own house, his own car. He liked basketball and cricket, he loved those sports. He was always listening to music. He spent most of his time at home and didn't want to go out much."

His father, Suresh, said: "I will remember him every day. When I get home I see his pictures, his clothes, his sneakers, I will always remember him. Even at work, I work for myself and he works for me on weekends, when I would pack up my stuff he always helped me. Whenever I put anything in my truck now, he will be there with me helping me do it.

"I never had a problem with Shawn, he was such a loving son. He would be up at 5am to work, and whenever I paid him he always saved it. We are a very close family, we'll never forget him."