People find getting 10/10 correct incredibly difficult (stock image)(Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Only 'people with a PhD' can get all 10 questions correct in tricky quiz

A new series of difficult questions has left people scratching their heads as they try to answer them all. Apparently only people with a PhD are able to answer all 10 correctly

by · The Mirror

Testing yourself by trying to answer a series of complex questions or brainteasers is a great way to challenge yourself and ensure you're looking after your brain health. It's also a great way to show off your intelligence to friends and family.

There is one set of questions that has proven to be particularly tricky and apparently only people with a PhD are able to answer all 10 correctly. In fact, the IQ-riddle test was given to 100 college students and nobody got more than 5 out of 10 right, no matter how hard they tried. So, let's see how well you can do with the questions below.

The 10 questions:

  1. I am the beginning of everything, the end of everywhere, the beginning of eternity and the end of time and space, what am I?
  2. What does a cow have four of, a dog have eight of and you have two of?
  3. What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats?
  4. What has rivers but no water, forests but no trees, deserts but no sand and mountains but no rocks?
  5. Once I'm 24. Twice I'm 20. Three times I’m inappropriate. What am I?
  6. A tailor can make a pair of pants from the scraps left over from sewing up five pairs of pants. If he has twenty-five scraps, how many pairs of pants can he make?
  7. A man gave one son 10 cents and another son was given 15 cents. What time was it?
  8. What word when pronounced wrong is right but when pronounced right is wrong?
  9. You'll have me at night, and if you remove my first letter I'd denote the top.
  10. What is significant about the following set of letters: B, E, J, Q, X, Y, Z.

The questions come from Playbuzz, make sure you don't rush your answers and read each one thoroughly and carefully. Sometimes, the answer might be staring you right in the face. It can also make things easier if you write the questions out on a piece of paper instead of just looking at the screen. Make an attempt to answer all of the questions before looking at the answers below. If you're ready to see how you went, here you go.

The 10 answers:

  1. E
  2. Nipples
  3. A river
  4. A map
  5. X
  6. Five
  7. 2.15
  8. True
  9. Supper
  10. They're not found at the end of a name of a US state

If this has left you wanting to solve more, why not see if you can answer this tricky question, which was intended for 10 to 11-year-olds, which recently resurfaced on Reddit, as it asked students to find out exactly how many pages there were in a book. It might seem like a very simple mathematical equation - but only the most intelligent and logical were able to answer it.

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