People were asked to find the different tents in the teaser(Image: Mecca Games)

Only people with a high IQ can spot 6 different tents in less than 21 seconds

The teaser asked people to find individual tents that are different in a picture= where they apparently all looked alike. But only those who are very smart can spot the differences

by · The Mirror

A brainteaser revolving around camping can only be seen by those with high IQ.

The lucky few who have fine vision can spot can astonishingly spot 6 different tents in the mind-boggling image in less than 21 seconds The question is can you see the individual tents that are different in the picture. Mecca Games came up with the head-scratching seek-and-find puzzle after they spotted a spike on search engine Google where people were looking for tents and camping-related searches.

Can you find the different tents?( Image: Mecca Games)

There are many reasons they looked for portable shelters, perhaps because it was festival season or they were going on holiday. The image they came up with showed scores of seemingly identical red tents lined up in a field. But not everyone will be able to see the six tents which are somehow different and only those with 20/20 can spot them.

People attempting the brainteaser have often been unable to complete the mind-bending task in under 21 seconds. Those who have been able to see the six tents which are different will know that the tent in the top left corner can be seen because of its white detail - but the other five are not as simple to find. Be warned, there's a clue and then the answer below.

The colour of the tent pegs, however, are not all the same. which perhaps will give you an inkling about the other mismatched tents. You should also look carefully at the direction the tents face.

The answer is the tent in the first row has white detail as opposed to beige and a tent in the second row the shade of red is different while another has different coloured pegs. A tent is also facing the opposite direction in the fourth row from the top. Another difference is the green flag is on top of a tent in the row beneath and a tent without any pegs in the bottom row.

Only people with a high IQ can spot 6 different tents in less than 21 seconds( Image: Mecca Games)

Spin Genie UK also confused puzzlers with the brainteaser which had a summer theme using an image of a park.

Puzzlers were asked to find ice cream cones in this teaser( Image: Spin Genie UK)

The tough teaser was about spotting ice cream cones and the treats were not necessarily in the places you would expect them to be.

People were asked to find five cones secretly hidden in the park. To do that, however, they first needed to banish all distractions and solve the teaser in 22-seconds which was the record for the puzzle.

Those surrounding the food stands, though, are not holding any of the five ice cream cones when you would expect them to be. The puzzle was all the more confusing because of this.

The solution to the summer-themed brainteaser( Image: Spin Genie UK)

One of the hints given is a mum is passing seats with an ice cream. They are also asked look at the people sitting on the grass in a bid to find the ice cream cones.