Can you detect a lie? Test your skills with this new quiz
A recent survey has found that a fifth of working adults 'regularly' lie to their boss. So can you spot a liar? Take this quiz to find out.
by Lauren Edwards · The MirrorTest your ability to spot a liar with this new quiz; can you read faces and determine who's being straight with you?
A recent study has revealed that one in five working adults frequently tell porkies to their bosses. Lying regularly about why they were late, misrepresenting how much work they have, and the classic 'sick day' fib.
Most workers reckon they can pull the wool over their boss's eyes, attributing their success to either being a convincing liar or having a solid rapport with their manager.
An 888poker spokesperson, behind the quiz, remarked: "You can interpret people as much by the way they speak, as the words they use. This fun quiz will discover how observant you are of others."
The study noted that those who deceive their employer tend to do so weekly, lying about their location or why they missed a deadline. The primary reasons for telling a fib at work include avoiding trouble (30%), making life easier at work (28%), and assisting a colleague (24%).
Almost one-fifth (18%) of those surveyed via OnePoll admitted to escaping the consequences of a significant blunder at work by lying, yet they worry regularly that their facial expressions and body language would betray them.
"The workplace in particular is an interesting place to explore telling white lies, because the hierarchy means you could get in trouble, but also colleagues perhaps don't know you as well as friends and family do," the spokesperson said.
According to a survey, 2 out of 10 workers believe their colleagues lie to their boss more frequently than they do, and 45% agree that all employees tell white lies. Interestingly, over two-thirds also suspect their employer has lied to them.
So, do you reckon you can work out if your co-worker or boss is lying to you? Take this quiz to find out.