Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sept. 22, 2024Photo Credit: Israeli PM / YouTube screengrab

Netanyahu: ‘We Will Take Whatever Action is Necessary to Restore Security’

by · The Jewish Press

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared in a video statement released early Sunday afternoon that Israel will take whatever measures are necessary to restore security and enable Israelis to return safely to their homes.

“On October 7th, the Hamas terrorist monsters burst into Israel, murdered our people, raped and beheaded our women, burnt babies alive, and took 255 innocent people hostage, including many Americans,” Netanyahu reminded.

“A day later, on October 8th, another Iranian terrorist proxy, Hezbollah, attacked Israel completely unprovoked. They fired missiles and rockets into our cities. They made 60,000 Israelis leave their homes along the Lebanon border, becoming refugees in their own land.
In the subsequent months, they haven’t stopped for a single day attacking us,” the prime minister pointed out.

“No country can accept the wanton rocketing of its cities. We can’t accept it either,” he warned.

“We will take whatever action is necessary to restore security and to bring our people safe back to their homes.”

He added in his Hebrew-language statement, “We inflicted a series of blows on Hezbollah. If Hezbollah did not get the message, I promise you – it will get the message now.”

At present, residents of northern Israel are indeed unable to live in their own homes due to the security risk posed by the Hezbollah terrorist army. After 11 months of attempts to reach a diplomatic resolution to the conflict, Israeli military and political leaders alike have reached the realization that Hezbollah will never acquiesce to a diplomatic agreement.

This was made obvious by its repeated violations of the 2006 ceasefire agreement that ended the Second Lebanon War, enshrined in United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, which Hezbollah — and its host country, Lebanon — has ignored from the start.

According to the latest government data, at least 48 people have died and 325 others have been wounded in the incessant attacks by Lebanon’s Iranian proxy, Hezbollah.

some 63,500 civilians have been forced to leave their homes and for the past 11 months have lived as internal refugees in Israel due to the rocket, missile and drone attacks.

The terrorist army has fired more than 8,800 rockets at northern Israel since October 8th, and some 190 million square meters of forestland, agricultural fields, national parks and other areas have been burnt to the ground.

Hezbollah has steadily escalated its rocket, drone and missile fire on Israelis in response repeated warnings by top Israeli officials from Netanyahu to Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and IDF Chief of General Staff LTG Herzi Halevi.

This weekend, Israeli forces begun escalating and intensifying their attacks on Hezbollah forces with the intent to put an end to the drones and rocket fire, once and for all.

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