Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, June 2024Photo Credit: Tasnim News Agency

Lebanese Druze Block Hezbollah from Entering Villages

by · The Jewish Press

Lebanese Druze have begun setting up roadblocks to prevent Hezbollah-linked Shiites from entering their villages, according to a member of the community who posted the information on the X social media platform. The writer describes himself as a “radical Lebanese Druze” who is “unapologetic.”

“The Deir Qoubel municipal police are now setting up a checkpoint at the entrances to the town, preventing anyone who is not a resident of the area from passing through, even if it is to visit a relative,” he wrote.

“They subject passersby to thorough interrogation and send them back to where they came from! “Everyone is subjected to investigations and questioning to ensure they have no ties to Hezbollah.

“We will not allow those terrorists to use us as human shields,” he added, encouraging fellow Lebanese to do the same in a separate post.

In several cases, the Lebanese Army was summoned to break up fights between Shiites and residents of Druze and Christian villages blocking their entry.

The Lebanese Druze initially issued a statement of support for Hezbollah and denunciation of the Israeli “enemy,” at the start of the Iron Swords War launched by Hamas, but has expressed no support for the Iranian proxy since.

The community numbers approximately 250,000, and could pose an internal threat to Hezbollah, should it choose to do so.

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