Liam Farrell was found dead outside his home in Co Leitrim in 2020

Senior garda to review investigation into Farrell death

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The Garda Commissioner is to appoint a senior officer to carry out a peer review of the garda investigation into the death of Liam Farrell.

The 87-year-old who lived alone in Rooskey, Co Leitrim was found by his daughter slumped on his back at the back door of his home on Sunday 13 January 2020.

He was covered in blood, his shoes and socks were removed, his watch was broken and he had bruising to his left eye and his feet.

Resuscitation efforts were not successful and the family believe he may have been attacked.

Gardaí said they carried out a full investigation into the circumstances of Mr Farrell's death and that an investigation file was submitted to the Director of Public Prosecutions, but no prosecution was directed.

The coroner recorded an open verdict at the inquest last week but the Farrell family say they are seeking the truth of what happened.

Garda Commissioner Drew Harris said the peer review is being carried out "with an investigative view in mind".

He said a fresh investigation was "not practically possible" and that gardaí "can't start again at day one".

An independent Senior Investigating Officer (SIO) who has not previously worked on the case will now examine the investigation with recommendations as to what should be done next.

"This is the practice that applies in such situations," the Commissioner said.

The SIO will look at what lines of inquiry there were, how they were pursued, are there other lines of inquiry that need to be pursued and what can be learned from the evidence that the family have brought forward.

"My responsibility to the family is that the family see that justice is done," Mr Harris said.

He has also agreed to meet the Farrell family.